Chapter Fifty

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  • Dedicated to Bailey Barlow

Hi my lovelies.

Your probably all like what the hell Rose.

Yeah, I do that sometimes too.

So how are you liking this all? Too much? Cuz I mean I thought its fine and I can rewrite it differently.. sorta.. I could try at least.


Chapter Fifty

I manage to sneak away from my friends and head over to the wing Cleo is in.

Doctor Jason told me that I should come in when I can and I am here anyways I might as well save myself a trip. I am hoping its good news because I don't know how much I can handle in a day. Its been kind of crazy.

As I am walking my phone rings the ring tone for my mother's number.

"Hey Ma..." I pick it up, walking as I talk. 

"Erin my love are you okay?" My mother exclaims, her worry clear through the line.

I can also tell that she has been freaking out for a while. My mother gets worried very easily and sometimes it gets the better of her.

"Mom breathe." I try to get her to calm down. "Just relax and breathe. I am at the hospital, Mels got shot in the leg but other then that everyone else is okay. I immobilized the guy so he is in police custody. We're safe."

"Thank G-d." My mom sighs, "Baby stay safe and go tend to your friends. Your strong my love, stay strong."

"I learn from the best. Love you."

"I love you more. Now go, sleep and be with your friends. Not necessarily in that order. Kisses."

Just as I hang up and am about to put my phone away, it rings again.

"Hi." I pick up.


"No Shayna." I laugh, "I'm not dead."

"Good because then I wouldn't be able to get my compotes." She reverts to a normal inside voice.

"I don't think thats a real word babes."

"I don't care, I heard Louis say it so now its a word."

"What ever you say.."

"I wasn't going to talk to you for another week so I could pounce on you for my revenge." Shayna tells me, "But when I heard on the news I had to call my American Bestie. You know make sure she isn't dead."

"Of course. That's exactly why you called." I laugh.

Leave it to Shayna to make me feel better...

"I worry sometimes."

"Only sometimes?"

"Only sometimes." I hear her giggle. "I saw you on the Ellen show. Nice relationship confirmation."

I hear a trace of jealousy in her voice and am about to ask her about it but Doctor Jason appears in front of me and I need to go.

"Shay? I've got to go talk to a doctor but I'll text you. Come visit soon."

"Anything for my American Bestie."

I press end and look at Doctor Jason, "What was so important you that you need to talk about?"

"We need to talk to about Cleo."


"Yo, what's up?" Harry asks me, picking up that I am upset. He is seated across from me in the hospital waiting room and is tapping his feet, which is starting to bother me.

We all got here about eight minutes ago and are waiting for an update on Mels.

Bailey is on the phone with her parents and is still crying, sitting next to Zayn and Perrie who are trying to calm her down.

The waiting room isn't at all busy seeing that its curently two thirty in the morning so the room is fairly quiet except for the sobs coming from Daisy and the annoying tapping of Harry's feet.

"I find that we are just in waiting room too much." I answer.

"Yeah, not only are our friends injured but Simon is going to kill us."  Harry runs his fingers through his hair, "But that wasn't what I was talking about mate. You and Erin...?"

"What about us?" I snap.

I don't need Harry talking to me about Erin. Especially not him, after the conversation he had with her... I don't think I can ever talk about Erin with him again.

"All I am saying is you two didn't seem so cozy today."

"Well don't speculate stupid things like that, we're fine."

"Oka-a-a-ay, just making sure."

I roll my shoulders back and forth, feeling a bit stiff, and decide that I need some actual food in my system not just alcohol and marshmallows. Not bothering to ask anyone else if they want anything I get up and head over to the cafeteria,

Maybe I am forgiving and forgetting with Erin, but Harry knows something I don't, and I'm going to get it out of him.


"I can't believe this! So you are just going to let her die? What kind of barbarians are you!?" I yell angrily at Doctor Jason.

"Erin." The doctor says in a calm voice, "I didn't say that."

"Then WHAT?! What are you going to do? Force her family to pay the bills but extra because they have no insurance? What if they can't?! They probably can't!!!"

"I'll call Cleo's mother. We will handle it but since her mother said we should tell you everything, I told you."

"Damn it!" I hit my hand against the wall, "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" 

"Erin." Doctor Jason catches my hand as I try to hit the wall again. "You're hurting yourself."

I pull my hand away from him and storm out of the wing.

Stupid hospital.


"Hey where'd you go?" Bailey asks me when I return to the waiting room where everyone is waiting for Mels.

"Just to talk to someone. Whats the news?" I sit down next to her.

"She'll have to watch on crutches for a bit but luckily it wasn't a bad injury."

"Well that's amazing news!" I exclaim, happy that at least one thing is going right.

"Yeah it is." Perrie chimes in, "You should be able to go home in about two minutes."


Its funny how our hotel rooms have begun to feel like home. Which in a way is kind of sad. But I guess as I said to Doctor Jason once, home is where your family and friends are and that's where we are a hotel. 

Now that it is down to four performers, because Sara-Beth was supposed to be the fifth but she's gone,  The Scarlett Roses, Steven Tanners, Kennedi Simpson and I are left, and anyone  of us can be sent back to our original homes. Its going to be tough on everyone.

"Mels!" Zayn exclaims running over her, when she emerges through the double doors that stopped us from seeing her.

I had no idea they were so close.

"Hey guys. Can we please go home, I'm exhausted." She says.

"Ditto." Niall agrees.

Together we all walk out of the hospital putting last night in the past.

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