Chapter Eight

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New chapter, new chapter, ne-ew chapter *dances in spot*

To my two readers, or so. Hello.

This chapter is for you ;)



So, yesterday I went shopping for a dress to my party I am going to in London, and to bother my mum I talk in a British accent the whole day and when I was pretending to be Louis and then WMYB came on and my mother bursts into laughter.


Chapter Eight

"UP, UP!" My sister screams into my ear.

I groan and pull my blanket over my head so I can block her out.


Groaning again I throw my blanket off, knowing that I have to get up and put on the outfit Alexis picked out last night.

"LEMME DO YOUR HAIR!" Aly says still shouting.

I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom locking the door behind me so that she can't go in.

She continues banging on the door as I make sure my hair is decent and do my makeup.

"Done." I smirk as I walk out of the bathroom when I am finished.

 "You did it all by yourself." She pouts looking sad but I know she is just trying to make me take it off so she can do it again her way.

"Not today Aly, not today." I grin and go to walk in to my parents room.

My dad is already up and is in the bathroom doing who knows what, and my mother is in bed still in her jammies staring at her Iphone screen that she is on twenty four seven.

"Hey Princess! I heard your mum is taking you to the X Factor regristration today." My father says with a toothbrush still in his mouth.

"Yes she is." I keep my smile from Aly on my face, "But she needs to get up in order to do that."

 "O'm going, I'm going!" My mother gets out of bed, "Contact your friends while I get ready."

I leave the room laughing and go to text Terrie, Alexis and Tori.

They begged my mother to allow them to stay last night but my mother wouldn't give in, claiming I needed my beauty sleep.

Personally, I just think she didn't want to deal with four giggling girls last night.

However, the brightside of last night and them going home was they got permission to come with me to the audition and the registration.

"Hope your up and ready ;)"

You would really think that this whole registration thing isn't such a big deal but it really is. They tape you while registering and they also do short interviews with the singers that they find interesting.

I know Tori and Alexis are crossing their fingers that they pick me to do one. Secretly I am too; just like secretly I am extremely nervous.

I didn't let it show that much last night when everyone was hanging out in my room as I practiced my songs.

My mother helped me pick which songs to sing from the broadway musicals we picked out. The final songs are Defying Gravity in Wicked, Angel of Music from Phantom and the Opera, Rolling in the Deep, and Sweet Child from Little Mermaid.

I debated whether to do mostly broadway shows or not, but these three broadway songs do my voice a lot of good.

"Hell yeah -A."

"When u coming? -Tori'

'I AM SO PUMPED -Terr-bear'

I laugh at their replies and almost bump into Aly as I go downstairs for some breakfast.

"Watch it squirt." She scowls at me.

"Woah. What just crawled up your ass, miss-was-just-so-perky?" I ask suprised at her sudden change in attitude. Wasn't she just the one who pulled me out of bed, excited for the X Factor.

"Nothing." Aly puts her smile back on, but I can still tell that something is bothering her.

Aly and I have that one sister connection. We can always tell what the other is thinking or feeling. I guess its the major thing that keeps us together.

Right now I can tell she is really upset, but the only thing is I don't know what. I don't want her sadness to ruin the fun and excitement out of our day.

"Pft, please Aly, you and me both know thats untrue. Do I need to bitch slap someone?" I press her.

"I really don't know what you are talking about. But we really should eat breakfast and get going." Aly says, coming down with me into the kitchen.

As I pour my fruit loops into a bowl, and some milk in my bowl I continue to bother her about why she is upset.

"Come on sis! I know your upset. Just spill." 

Aly sighs and sits down with her bowl of cereal, handing me her phone.

"Aly's wanna bitch sister Erin trying out for X Factor. Lets watch her fail"  A post by Sara-Beth reads.


Sara-Beth went there? She was the one who practically pushed me to do it without even saying anything.

I roll my eyes as if it doesn't bother me and give her the iphone back.

"She just pisses me off you know?" Aly talks with her mouth full.

"Don't talk your mouth full." My mother enters the kitchen. "And hurry up we need to go or we will be late."

My heart goes into a frenzy mode. It begins to beat like a crazy person, betraying me. I need to keep my cool not start acting like a nervous wreck or I will mess up my on my audition. Not even Sara-Beth can stop me now.

      " If this was the last dance of the night

Will you join me 'til the morning light

Dance the night away, 'cause it feels right

You can't stop me, no-o-o-o

   If this was the last dance of the night

Will you join me 'til the morning light

Dance the night away, 'cause it feels right

You can't stop me, no-o-o-o

You can't stop me, nooooo

You can't stop me, no-o-o-o

      If this was the last dance of the night

Will you join me 'til the morning light

Dance the night away, 'cause it feels right

You can't stop me, no-o-o-o"

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