Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine

 “Help me get some more wood, Hazza.” Louis says to Harry who is busy trying to arrange the wood that is already out.

There are a bunch of us running around trying to get the puny fire, that Mels managed to start, bigger.  They want a big bonfire started before the sun begins to set.

“Your interview was awesome.” Bailey bumps shoulders with me as she comes to sit next to me.

“Yeah it was a lot of fun.” I say, watching everyone from the steps that lead up to the house.

“Cleo called to tell me she was watching.” She tells me, “Why is she still there anyways? It must be horrible!”

“Yeah, but she will be fine.”

“Are they still not allowing Cleo’s mother to fly in and see her?”

“Its not the hospital doing it, that’s all X Factor’s doing.”

“What?!” Bailey exclaims, “That’s ridiculous, and should be illegal.”

“I am with you on that one.”

I tried talking to Lay and see if she could talk to them but when Lay returned from a meeting with them she had only bad news.

Cleo’s mother is devastated about it, and especially because of the condition Cleo is in. There is no way she is going to be forced to have chemotherapy and not allow her mother to be with her for moral support.

Bailey runs over to Perrie and Daisy to share the information she just acquired from me. Apparently Cleo was one of Perrie’s favorite acts on X Factor, and Zayn told Perrie all about her.

I walk to the side of the hose where there happens to be a hammock hanging in between two palm trees.

Needing some time alone I sit down on it and fiddle with my phone case.

The sun is finally beginning to set and the smell of smoke fills my nostrils. The bonfire is probably starting to be the size they want.

I decide to check up on Cleo while I am alone and send a text to Doctor Jason, “How’s the patient?”

“You okay?” Someone asks from behind me.

“Just checking up on Cleo..” I answer, not even bothering to turn around to see who it is. I recognize the Doncaster accent…

“Well is she okay?” Louis crawls on to the hammock, next to me.

“The doctor hasn’t answered yet.”

Just as I say that my phone vibrates in my hand and the bright letters of the message that appear on my screen reads, “Sleeping but we need you to come in tomorrow when you can.”

I place my phone on my side and don’t reply.

“Its beautiful.” I say watching as the sky changes colors and the sun reflects down on the water.

“Excuse m, I am not an it.” Louis says back in a sassy tone.

I smile at his goofiness and turn my face back to Louis, “Your beautiful too, don’t worry little guy.”

“I AM NOT LITTLE!” Louis exclaims like a little kid and begins to tickle me.

“SHIT NO! STOP!” I cry as he tickles my sides.

I try to tickle him back but fail and end up wacking him in the face.

Louis stops and puts his hand to where I hit him. “If you really wanted me to stop all you had to do is say please. No need to hit me!”

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