Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four

My eyes flutter open and when I roll over to cuddle against Liam's chest I see he isn't there.

Where did he go?

Slowly I sit up and look around the bedroom, that suddenly feels extremely cold.

"Liam!" I call, rubbing my arms to keep warm.

"HERE!" A voice comes from the other room.

Slowly and lazily I make my way in to it and find Liam in the mini kitchen cooking.

"What are you doing?" I ask still half asleep.

"Making you breakfast." He answers, "Well trying."

When he turns around I see he is wearing a pink apron, and I run to get my phone in laughter so I can snap a picture of him.

"Look who's trying to cook! #pinkapron #cutie @Real_Liam_Payne" I tweet.

Liam stares at me with a blank face, probably because I am wearing a tank and mini pj shorts, when I smell smoke.

Noticing that his food is burning I say, "Maybe I should take over because the waffles are on fire in the toaster." 

"What?" Liam whips around to take them out, "How is that possible?"

"I don't know." I laugh at his incompetance, "But maybe thats a sign that you should stop."

"No." Liam says stubbornly, raising his head defiantly, "I said I am making you breakfast, so I will be making you breakfast."

"Okay." I give in, not wanting to fight the pampering he is giving me, "But hurry up, I'm famished! Plus I need to be with Cher in twenty minutes."

I go back in to the bedroom part of my room so I can get ready for the day by brushing my teeth and hair, washing my face, and getting dressed. By the time I come back in, breakfast is served.

On the table there is waffles that are not that burnt, whip cream, syrup, strawberries, some scrambled eggs, cream cheese, bread, and orange juice. Deciding not to question where he got all of it I begin to serve myself some food.

"An amazing way to wake up in the morning, right?" Liam beams, proud of his handiwork.

"Oh I know a better way, but yes." I wink at him flirtatiously.

Liam's eyes widen in shock at what I just suggested and I just smile, continuing to eat my food, enjoying his reaction.

He is so innocent.... I love it! I'm not used to having an undirty mind around me. Although I have heard that sometimes Liam can crack a few jokes like the ones my friends and I make, Ally especially. She literally can twist everything I say or anyone else says in to something perverted. She calls it a talent, I call it creepy, but my friends and I love it anyways.

 I put some eggs on my plate and take some cream cheese, eating it together. This is a tactic my old friend from camp taught me. She didn't like the egss plain or with ketchup, she didn't have any bread or crackers for the cream cheese, so she ate it with her eggs and its surprisingly good.

Liam joins me at the table and begins to eat as well.

"So the Madame Tussauds thing is on friday." Liam casually states as we eat.

"Oh yeah. Didn't you invite me to that?" I ask nonchalantly, not wanting him to know I've been secretly excited since he mentioned it last week.

I went to Madame Tussauds when I was little and visiting California with my father for some family celebration and have been dying to go back. So when Liam said something about attending his wax figure party there I got really excited because not only do I get to go again, but I get to go with my boyfriend and meet tons of celebrities.

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