Chapter Twenty Two

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"Welcome girls." Simon says looking up from his papers, "Ms. Erin Torro and Ms. Tasnim Hussam."

"Hi," "Hello." We both say in response.

 "What are you girls going to sing for us today?" He asks us.

Cher Lloyd leans forward using her arms as support for her head.

"They don't know about us by One Direction," Tas tells the judges.

"Ummm...." I trail off unsure what to say, nervousness kicking in.

"Well the singers are big inspirations to us and the song is really pretty. Plus we both know it very well."

They all nod and we give the cue for the music.

Tas starts off the song, singing the beginning, we sing the chorus together, and then its my turn.

"Just one touch and I was a believer 

Every day it gets a little sweeter

It’s getting better

Keeps getting better all the time girl

They don’t know about the things we do

They don’t know about the I love you’s        

But I bet you if they only knew

They will just be jealous of us"

We don't sing the whole song but by the time we're done we are really into it, and smiling.

The judges are smiling too and clapping like no tomorrow.

"Erin, you are truly beautiful. The way you sing, the emotion you bring, it makes me want to jump on stage and hug you that is how proud I am of you." Cher tells me.

"I am with Cher on this one. I could see how nervous you were the past few days, but you fought through it and you just wow'd us." Demi says.

"Tasim," L. A Ried addresses my battle partner, "There is something about you that I love. You walked on to the stage with confidence and you stand there up right and smiling."

Tas blushes.

"I'm going to talk to both of you girls," Simon starts, "Tasnum and Erin, you two are young girls with an amazing singing voice. But there are others here with that same talent. Convince me that you are the one who belongs here and not them."

I take a deep breath and begin to talk first, "Singing is my window to a new world, the pill that makes your stop aching, the glass of water on a hot day, my window of oppurtunity. This is my  savior. I cam here to sing and show you my life, and that is all I am going to do and say. I am not better then anyone here, or more deserving then them but this is my dream to sing for others and show them my passion. I can do that whether or not I am here."

The judges are taken aback by my answer.

My body begins to shake nervously.

"Bravo." Cher said simply.

"Pardon?" I don't understand her response. 

I shouldn't of said all that. It was inappropiate but it was all the truth. Sometimes my mouth goes without me thinking.

"You just stood up there and told us the truth. Thats what I love about you, there is a truth to you and your singing so bravo." She explains.

I stay silent, and let Tas tell them why she should be here.

I screwed up didn't I?


"This is all over." I cry into Bailey's shoulder.

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