Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

                                                                                                                                                June 4, 2013

Dear Diary,

We had X Factor performances today and the group performance went well.

I can already tell you who's going home tonight. There was someone who really messed up and I feel bad because America will pick up on it.

The Scarlett Roses and I over the week rekindled and we hung out with the boys a lot.

My parents had an AUH-MAZING time last night and are leaving tonight just like Ally did, after the end of Elimination night.

Later tonight will be the first time that they will show who was on the bottom of the voting scale and I'm extremely nervous. When I had dinner out with the boys  two days ago, they were trying to convince me that there is no way I'll be on the bottom but it didnt work. I know that they have all gone through the same thing as I have, but it doesn't take away my nerves.

All day today I've been humming the tune to my save song, while updating my twitter fans about everything.

I still get hate once in a while but just try to ignore it. The picture and tweet I posted of Louis is still on my page but I don't read what people comment on it. My friends and I tweet back and forth, and text back and forth, keeping me updated about all the gossip. 

School is almost over and the girls still have no idea what they are doing in the summer, or the summer ball that our school has at the end of the school year. They also all don't have dates, besides Terrie. Terrie has been telling me about Nick, her boyfriend, the guy who wasn't answering her texts a while back, and how he asked her to go with him. Apparently they are going steady now and she likes him a lot.

She has also been begging me to convince Ally to go on a double date Decklen and her boyfriend.

Like thats gunna happen..

Better start getting ready to go!




We all wait on stage, all holding hands and holding over breath.

Mario begins to speak and my nerves are rattling my bones. "From bottom to top, the last person, number ten, who will be performing in front of the judges to save themselves is........................ Mason Tallot!"

Mason bites his tounge, and I can tell is trying to stop that one tear welling in his tear duct from falling, not wanting to seem unmanly. There are a lot of men and boys who are like that on X Factor, who don't want to cry but the moment is too intense so they do. Personally, it kills me when a guy cried because they don't cry that often.

"The next person who will be singing to save themselves, number nine on the list is............. Erin Torro!" Kim exclaims.


My face becomes emotionless and I feel numb.

Maybe I misheard! Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

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