Voice of an Angel

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Shyla, Dmitri, Catlin, and Cole were talking about the fight. Until Gage came up behind Dmitri and Shyla.  Pushed Dmitri to the side and wrapped his arm around around Shyla. Shyla looked up at him and said, "Gage, remember what happened last time when you wrapped your arm around me?" "No I don't. What did you do?" Gage starts leaning towards Shyla for a kiss. Until Shyla slaps Gage, grabs his arm, and swings him across the yard until he hit Cole. On accident, Cole fell to the ground with Gage sideways on top of him. "Uggghhh. Oh hey Cole! What's up?" "Get. Off. Of. Me. Now." Cole demands. Catlin runs over to Cole and throws Gage off of Cole and helps up Cole. "Why do people always throw me?!!!!" Gage screams. "Because you're a lady killer." Catlin comments and they all start laughing. "Come here Gage. Let me help you up." Shyla walks over to Gage and pulls him up. "Thanks for letting me get a chance to look up your skirt." Gage comments and Shyla let's go of him and lets him fall to the ground again. "See I was trying to be nice and help you back up. And then you just completely let it go. So go ahead and date the ground. That's the only thing that won't reject you." Shyla chuckles. "I will! Hey how ya doin'?" Gage begins to talk to the grass and Dmitri starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god you're dumber than a tree!" Dmitri falls on the floor trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard. "Hey! All the tree has to do is just stand there! I get thrown around all the time!" "Hey at least you and a tree have one thing in common." Camillia comments. "And what is that?" Gage asks. "You both get broken." They all start laughing. Even Gage since the joke was about him.

Then Catlin and Camillia's favorite song came on. "Gasoline" by Halsey. "AHHHHHHH! YASSSSSSSS I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Camillia and Catlin scream and start dancing. Then Nekoette-Tan began to dance and tripped over the radio cord and everyone heard someone sing. Shyla Zvhal. She sounded just like her. People were in awe.

"So you run on gasoline....." Shyla went quiet and everyone stared at her. "Puppy do that again. It was amazing." Dmitri commented.
"And all the people say,
'You can't wake up, this is not a dream,
You're part of a machine, you are not a human being,
With your face all made up, living on a screen,
Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline.'"  Laurance fixes the radio and puts on the kareoke version of the song and everyone begins to sing and dance till the sun went down. Dmitri stops dancing and looks at Shyla. Has her stop dancing and turns her around. They embrace and kiss and Dmitri whispers, "Little do you know. I love you till the sun dies." They kiss again. "I love you like I've never felt the pain. Oh wait, just wait. Just wait." They sing quietly together.

And Shyla says quietly as Dmitri holds her in his arms, "we're the perfect two."

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