(6) Gerard Gets Upset At Lindsey But Then Thanks Lindsey Later

Start from the beginning

Avoid the mirror. Don't look at the mirror. What ever you do, don't wipe off the steam or look at the mirror. My eyes kept to small things, grabbing my pajama pants and yanking them on.

Star Wars. Very manly, Gerard.

But I loved Star Wars so I didn't exactly care. That's when I almost looked at the mirror and my breath sped up. I need to get out of the bathroom before my mind decides to fucking hate me.

I fumbled a bit but I threw my clothing down and walked out of the bathroom. My phone was ringing but I ignored it, getting into bed and just absorbing the warmth around me. The moonlight winked from behind the sheer curtains from above the building across. That's where I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I heard the door to my apartment. That's what originally woke me up but I went back to sleep.

Before Lindsey decided it was the perfect idea to fucking pull the covers off my bed, leaving my perfectly warm body exposed to the cold air.

"Lindsey what the fuck?" I groaned, burying my face into my pillow.

"Get your lazy ass up, birthday boy! I have brunch reservations at twelve." She said, clicking her tongue.

"Why the fuck are you setting something up this early?" I asked, shooting daggers at my black haired best friend. That's where she left and came back with a Starbucks coffee in her hand.

"You going to get up now?" She asked, holding the coffee just out of his reach. Fuck just move it a bit closer.

With a heavy, over dramatic sigh, I sat up and took the cup. Lindsey decided to raid my closet and considering she did this often on special occasions, I let her do it. The first time I told her no she almost forced my clothing off and tried to dress me herself.

That wasn't pleasant at all.

She seemed more excited than she should be for breakfast though. Lindsey laid out a black shirt and my red leather jacket with black jeans.

"Get dressed, princess. We have a brunch to attend to." She said, smiling brightly before leaving the room, nails clicking as she texted on her phone.

Skinny jean hop and a yank on a shirt was one reason why when I had a day off I stay in my pajamas. I avoided looking at my body at all costs in the bathroom. I just flat ironed my hair for once because I had time then did the normal hygiene routine everyone does.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Lindsey yelled and I just opened the door after the last word left her lips.

"You're impatient." I muttered before moving past her and draining the rest of whatever coffee was left. I yanked on my shoes before sliding my wallet along with the pack of cigarettes into my pocket, taking one out before hand. Lindsey took the house key in her hand and locked the door after leaving, myself instantly lighting the cancer stick.

Lindsey led the way, maybe three or so blocks down the road. She then crossed the street, the New Jersey sun winking down at us. She led me into a small cafe of sorts and that's when I saw Frank. I yanked her aside before she could go over.

"What the fuck?" I hissed. "You invited Frank? Lindsey, why did you bring him?" I asked, pulling on her arm.

I wish I didn't get rid of that second cigarette as we walked up.

"I want to meet the guy you're fucking." She shrugged. "Besides, he's friends with Jamia." She smirked before dragging me over. I shot her a glare before ridding myself of the black jacket. Frank was looking at his hands, haven't even looked up once. His faux hung in his face before he looked up.

In Where Gerard Is Awkward And Tries To Seduce Frank Where stories live. Discover now