Chapter 48/Last Chapter

Start from the beginning

"I love you mom!"

"I love you too, my Peach!" We hugged as everyone looked over at us. Rosalina's parents walked over to us, along with Robert and Willy.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't for those unmannered girls." Queen Yella said. "And you!" She looked over to Rosalina. "Where have YOU been?! It seems that these girls are a bad influence on you. I don't want you to ever see them again!"

"You know..." Rosalina said. "Weren't you the least bit worried of where I was??!!"

"Don't give me that. You've pulled that stunt SOO many times."

"Excuse me. If I may." My mom said. "These girls have been gone for at least a week! I don't understand why-."

"If you are going to give me a lecture, DO NOT! You have no right to tell me when you can't even keep your daughter under control." Queen Yella replied. Robert smirked.

"Excuse me??!! I think YOU'RE the one who needs to teach your boy over there some manners!! The way he has treated a lady is UNEXCUSABLE!"

"You... believe me?" Peach said.

"I thought about it for a long time. I should have known you wouldn't be disrespectful like that, even if you didn't agree with what was placed upon you."

Queen Yella was in a rage. "Come on Rosalina!" She stomped over to her. "We're going!" She grabbed Rosalina's wrist with a tight grip.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"You're never going to see this wretched family again!!!!"

As Queen Yella was bickering on, Rosalina was suddenly in a rage.

"LET...ME...GO!!!!!" She ripped away her hand from her mother's grasp.

"I am your mother! You are to do EXACTLY what I tell you!"

"Actually, there's something you NEVER TOLD ME!" Rosalina snapped back. "You're not my biological mother, are you??!!"

Everyone gasped...

"What IS this you're trying to pull now??!!" King Herold, Rosalina's father said.

"I found out quite a few things actually! Did you know that there's an actual other side of the world that exists??!!" They looked at her with confusion. "AND that I was actually born in none other than Hyrule??!! The same day my biological mother died!" Everyone gasped. Even Robert looked shocked. Daisy and I were giggling to ourselves while this was happening. "And even more... I have an older brother named, Link, and a ferternal twin sister??!! That sister, is none other than Peach!!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

"You found out?" My mom said to me.

"Yes mom. I know."

"I could care less! You're coming with-."

"No! I'm taking Willy with me and we're staying somewhere else!!! We're gonna live a different life!!!"

"I have just about had ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!" Queen Yella slapped Rosalina's cheek. She fell to the ground. My mom immediately stomped her way over.

"You DO NOT raise your hand at another person!!!!!" She said. "Guards!" Some guards started to come over when Queen Yella started to run with Robert and King Herold. They both tripped and the guards grabbed a hold of them."

"Send them BACK to where they come from!!!! If I see any of your three faces here again, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

They shook their heads. The guards took them away.

"Rose! Are you alright?!" I said.

"Ugh! Yeah... I'm fine." She got up and went over to her younger brother, Willy.

Rosalina told us everything that had happened during her childhood. The way Willy and she were raised with snobby people and how they treated them with injustice, while always believing what Robert would say.

"Rose...I didn't know... I'm so sorry."

"No. Don't be. It's not your fault. It's over now and we're free from them." She replied.

"Princess Rosalina." My mom said. "If you want, your brother and you can call us your new home if you'd like. Besides, Peach and you are technically sisters apparently and I think that it would be a good idea for Peach to have sister bonding time with you.

"Rea-really?! You would do that?!" She said.

"Of course! You're both welcome!" Mom replied.

"What do ya think, Willy?" Rosalina said, kneeling down to his height. He nodded his head. "Well, I guess this is our new home then."

"Yeah!!!!" Daisy and I yelled out, embracing them both into the family.

For a few hours, Rosalina and I talked alone with my parents while Daisy watched over my now new brother, Willy. They told us how they remember when they first met me. How I was so tiny and the most beautiful, pure thing their eyes ever laid upon and how my mother couldn't have children, so when I was at their doorstep, in a basket, they knew that they were blessed and their wish had come true of having their own child to raise. I started to cry and embraced them, knowing that no matter what, I would always think of them as my mom and dad.

The next day, I spent my morning, laying in a field of flowers, thinking about the adventures we all had together. I remembered the enemies we faced, the challenges we overcame, and the memories we made. All of this was together as friends, no, family, who would love eachother to the very end. I learned a lot from this adventure. However, I knew, there were many more to come...

                                                                                        The End!


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