Chapter 12: The Past

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I didn't say anything.

"See, my point exactly." S.coups said and put a hand on my shoulder. "Stop worrying so much."

"I can't help it." I whispered.

"Mingming really did something to you didn't he." S.coups sighed.

"Stop talking like that." I said. "We were each other first loves, it was never going to last anyway."

"First loves always hurt the most though." S.coups said. "I should know."

"I made happy memories, that's what matters right?" I gave S.coups a weak smile.

"If you think it does, then I guess so." S.coups returned my smile.

"Now it's time to make happy memories with Minghao." I said, the smile on my face slowly getting bigger.

S.coups nodded. "You need to talk with him though, so he'll stop worrying."

"I will, right now." I said and left to find Minghao.

Figuring he was still in our bedroom, that's where I went and I was right.

He was sitting on his bed with his back facing me. I could see his knees were pulled to his chest with his good arm wrapped around them.

"Minghao." I said as I entered the room.

He didn't turn to look at me.

"I understand if you don't want to tell me." Minghao said. "It's like I'm your boyfriend or anything."

He mumbled the last part but I still heard him.

"I'm scared of losing you." I said as I sat on the bed behind him.

Now he turned to look at me.

"What is so bad that I would want leave you?" Minghao asked.

I laughed. "Nothing, the reason I said what I did was because I'm scared of losing you."

"Why though?" Minghao asked.

"You remember Mingming?" I asked.

"The Chinese guy who left before I got here?" Minghao questioned.

I nodded. "Well, we dated each other, before he left, and it was hard on me when he left so when I realized I like you, I was always so worried that you would leave too."

"I won't leave." Minghao said and wrapped his arm around my waist, placing his head on my chest. "Did Mingming make you happy?"

"Extremely." I said and I could see that Minghao looked a bit sad. "I don't think there's a word to explain how happy you make me."

Minghao looked up at me with a huge smile on his face, making me smile as well.

I leaned down and carefully kissed Minghao, nervous because we haven't done it much.

"I told you!"

I pulled away and looked towards the door to see that Woozi and Hoshi had been watching us.

"Can you stop caring so much now?" Woozi asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"Hoshi wanted me to help him get you together but I told him you guys were already together." Woozi explained. "Looks like I was right."

"How could I have not noticed?" Hoshi asked himself.

I just shrugged and looked down at Minghao who had shoved his face into my stomach.

I guessed he was embarrassed because I could see that his ears where red.

I kissed the top of his head. "You're cute."

I heard Hoshi yell from the doorway but ignored him.

If possible, Minghao's ear were more red then before.

"Do people know?" Woozi asked.

"S.coups and Jeonghan and now you guys." I told them.

"You should tell everyone else." Woozi said.

I shook my head. "When Minghao is ready, we will."

"Whatever." Woozi said and left with Hoshi.

"Going to come out?" I asked and rubbed the back of Minghao's head.

I felt Minghao shake his head against my stomach and I laughed.

I laid back on the bed and pulled Minghao a bit with me.

I just continued to play with his hair, waiting for him to be ready to show his face again.

After a few minutes Minghao proped his chin on my ribs, his cheeks still a bit pink.

"You're so cute." I said and pinched one of his cheeks.

"Stop." Minghao cried and pulled his face away.

I just chuckled at the cuteness.

"Junnie hyung." Minghao whispered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I actually love you." Minghao said, his face going red again so he hid it in my stomach again.

I smiled. "I love you too baby."

We're getting there.

Soon he'll be comfortable with this.

Two updates during one week, what's happening?

I'm mad. It's snowing, like, a lot. It's the end of April stopppppp. I hope it stops before I have to walk home because I only wore my light spring jacket because I thought it was spring but obviously not!

Hope you all enjoy this story!

My Protector (Seventeen JunHao)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang