Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

With Vitality's roar, Logan jumped up. Clap stopped snoring for a second, and looked up to see piles of ash where mindless soldiers used to be, and promptly fell back asleep.

Donovan relaxed, there didn't seem to be any more warriors left. Kat sighed and sheathed her weapon, and their Dragons began to settle down around a tree.

Kat lay against a different tree, opposite Logan. She seemed to want to keep as much distance as possible, and Donovan didn't know why. He sat down next to her, taking her hand in his.

Logan began to snore along with Clap, softly this time, and Kat's breathing became the heavy kind only achieved when asleep after a long day. Vitality, too, was resting, alongside Resolution, under a tall, thick-trunked tree.

In a daze almost, Donovan heard the sounds of clapping.

"Bravo, Donovan, Bravo. Thanks for playing with my toys, they needed a lesson to learn from," the voice behind the clapping said, as a young man stepped from the shadows of the brush.

"And who are you?" Donovan whined, itching to sleep.

"My name doesn't matter, but you will learn of it before I end you, so you have a name to curse in the afterlife," he snorted back.

"Go away, you're wasting your time. You won't win against us all," Donovan sighed.

"Not my goal; My mission is to destroy you!" the newcomer bellowed.

"Are we done yet?" Donovan groaned.

"Enough chat. Now we fight," the young man snickered, confident of his victory.

Donovan formed Infernus; his blade yearned for the right to devour the newcomer in flames.

"Did you see me draw a blade?" the young man screeched.

"No, but I thought that is what you desired," Donovan said, trying to wake himself up. He let Infernus drift away to wherever it goes when it isn't with him.

"And don't think about bringing your friends into this," the boy continued on.

The teen raised his fists - for the first time, Donovan noticed how muscular the teen was. He had short-cut golden hair and blue eyes, and his shirt rippled as he moved.

Donovan raised his own fists, waiting for his opponent to move.

The teen lunged, his fist moving as fast as a Dragons crushing jaws, and the pain felt as though the jaws were crushing the right side of his jaw.

"They don't call me Dragon's Tooth for nothing," the teen chuckled.

Donovan steadied himself; the pain was intense.

He again raised his fists, and two more blows smacked him in the stomach. Donovan keeled over, the pain forced it's way through his armor and into his organs. He pushed himself back up, where the young man stood waiting.

A flurry of blows rained stinging hell upon Donovan, and it took all of his strength to remain standing.

The young man snickered. "For a legendary figure, you really suck. Lucius has nothing worry about with you."

Donovan reached out with his mind, looking for Yoko. Yet he, too, was asleep.

Donovan took to the attack now, moving unprofessionally and swinging wildly with his left arm. The teen caught his arm and threw him to the floor.

"The name's Clover," the teen snickered as he raised his foot above Donovan's head. Donovan rolled and grabbed Clover's leg, twisting it in an odd way as he pulled Clover to the ground. Clover screamed out; his knee was shattered.

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