
556 29 13

Oh my goodness.I can't believe it.The day has finally come.10,000 reads and 596 votes...Words can't express how happy I am to achieve this...I started writing for fun,never thought I would make it this far...This might not be that big of a number for many writers but to me,it's big enough.All I would like to say to all of you peeps out there (Yes,I mean you!) is a big THANK YOU!!!!!! As cliche as this may sound,without you peeps,I would've never made it this far in wattpad.Again,THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Oh and help yourselves to the virtual buffet down there \/\/\/

Ai : Eto...Can anyone pass me the silverware?😳
Chiyurii : Sure! 🍴
(Y/N) : Do you have any napkins? 😅
Kazuo : Of course! Here you go. 😉
(Y/N) : Thanks~ ☺️
Chiyurii : Ai,where's Daichi? 🙄
Ai : He's in the kitchen helping Obaasan prepare more food. 😊
Chiyurii : Ai I'm pretty sure we have enough food.I mean we're gonna drown in food soon. 😓
Ai : E-ehh! Really?! But I told Daichi to prepare ten times more food! 😟
Chiyurii : What?! 😱
(Y/N) : Mmmpphh...*drowning in food*
Ai : Reader-chan!! 😭
Kazuo : Don't worry I'll save you!! *dives into food* *holds (Y/N)* *drowns together*
Daichi & Obaasan: Baka... 😑😑
Ai : *Busy petting Coco-chan* ☺️🐶
Chiyurii : *Puts on diving gear* I'm going in... 😤

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