×♥︎Chapter 16♥︎× (Edited)

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===︎︎×♥︎Chapter 16♥︎×=== (Written on December 4th 2015)
"Nii-san!!! What the hell are you doing?!!"

Kazuo's POV
That one moment when you have to leave a sick Ai with a Daichi...

"Nii-san,how could you? You know I've had a crush on Ai for the longest of time!" I yelled.

"Well,it's literally the same with me.I've had a crush on her since I was 7." He argued.

"You kissed her without her even knowing what you did! You took advantage of her sick state!"

"Boys! This is no time to argue,Ai's sick!" Okaasan suddenly appeared.

Daichi quickly set Ai on the bed while I prepared a cold towel.Okaasan was checking Ai's temperature.

Main POV (Seconds before the kiss)
I really like Daichi~ Wait,or is it Kazuo?

"Daichi...Daisuki-desu..." I giggled as I pulled him closer.Chuu~

Kazuo's POV
I gently placed the wet towel on Ai's forehead after Okaasan fed her some medicine.How can Daichi do such a thing? Or maybe it's just me making a huge fuss out of this.I need to confront him.If he has a thing for Ai as well,I don't know what to do.The only solution is to let Ai choose either one of us.

"Daichi,Kazuo,I think we should let the poor girl rest."

"Hai." Daichi and I answered in unision.

🎎At the Living Room📺
"Daichi." I started.


"I think the only solution is to let Ai choose." I suggest.

"But what if...She doesn't choose either one of us." Great,that just dampened my hope.

"Let's just hope for the best...Nii-san..." I gave him a side-smile.And he returned it.

Main POV
I quickly sat up finally realizing what I did.Oh my kami...I kissed Daichi.And then......Kazuo came in.They had an argument,but I was no longer conscious,so,I had no clue as to why they were arguing.What have I done.This is so embarrassing.I'll just reassure Daichi that it was all a mistake.I let my sick-bubbly state get to me.This is bad,but I'm sure he understands,right?

I removed the wet cloth from my forehead and carefully made my way down the stairs to get a drink.

"Ai? You're awake? You should go back to bed." I jumped from the sudden voice.

"Oh,I just wanted to get a drink of water." Maybe I should tell him that the kiss was a mistake that I made.That sounded bad but I don't want him getting the wrong signal.

"I'll go get you a glass,you should rest.Your temperature is still high." He said while feeling my forehead.

"H-Hai!" I quickly walk back into my room.Moments later,he came back with a glass of water in his hands.I thanked him and drank the water.

"While I'm here,I might as well tell you...This may be a lot to take in...I've had feelings for you,Ai,for a very long time.But after you left,I was just heartbroken.Every day,I wished to see you at school.Every night,I wished you would come to my house for a sleepover.You made a big impact in my life.I really hope you consider things.But I don't want to force you to choose between me and my brother.And yeah,I'm breaking the ice for him too." I stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth agap.

"I-I don't know what to say."

"I'll let you rest for now,don't want to stress you too much." He smiled and began walking away.

"Chotto!" I slowly made my way towards him.I have waited for this moment for so long...(Wait!)

"I have something to say as well...I-I like you too...I've liked you ever since you made a promise with me saying you would be my knight.That promise made my heart flutter and my stomach gets butterflies all the time remembering it."

A group of girls were bullying me.They were poking me and calling me names.I cried and cried,wishing for anybody to come help me.But that's just pathetic.To think anyone would help me...

"Hey! What are you doing!" I looked up to see my saviour.

"Isn't it obvious,she's just another one of those pansy-cakes.Wanna help us?"  One of the girls suggested.

"Of course not,this pansy-cake is my friend.Now if you'll excuse us." He said pulling me up from my crouching position.

"A-arigatou..." I whispered.

"It's fine.You're my friend,right?" I nodded.

"Ok,I'm gonna make a huge commitment by saying this.I Himura-" His voice was cut of by the bell ringing but he continued anyways.

"-Promise to be Kotoba Ai's one and only knight! I will always protect her!" I blushed and felt my stomach doing flips.This is a new feeling.I wonder what it means...

[Flashback end]

"I kept it a secret for so long...But now that you've confessed,I might as well do the same." I paused for a moment before continuing.

"I like you...Kazuo..."

===︎︎×♥︎Chapter 16♥︎×===
The tables have turn! Sorry to those who ship Ai with Daichi...Thanks for reading though!

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