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|| Lacey ||

It was moments like these that made me forget the rest of the world. I no longer had any petty problems, little insecurities would float away into an irrelevant world of nothing, every little spark of negative energy in my life was just gone. It's like my brain would just shut down for a beautiful, blissful time.

We did this very rarely. Don't get me wrong, I loved the sex; but this part after was in a way a little better.

We both laid on his bed in perfect silence, originally covered with sweat and breathing heavily next to one another. But once we calmed down I slipped my arms through the sleeves of his button up shirt and button three of the middle buttons before relaxing comfortably next to him. His arm supporting him up on his side, slightly over me.
His hand moved down from my waist and to my leg. His fingers glided across my skin slowly as if tracing over invisible lines. I felt a burning spark pulsing through his finger tips and in through my leg and the rest of my body. I looked over him and couldn't help but do the same.

I brought my hand to his shoulder and took in the touch of his soft skin. I slowly made my way up to his hair and let my fingers lead the way, his soft, long strands slipping between my fingers as I moved further up through the roots.

I can't explain why, even after all this time I was never able to find a reason, but during these little moments I felt more comfortable than ever; yet this was my most vulnerable state. I was just open with him, finding it a time to tell him things I wouldn't on a regular occasion.

"Can I show you something?" I mumbled quiet enough to only leave a crack in the foundation of silence that had settled in the room.
He turned my head just enough to see me and nodded. His fingers were laced in mine and my arm was up, exposing the scar for us both to see. I'd seen it enough times, but this was new for Ross. He looked at my arm and examined the scar.
"I was in a bad place for a while,"I said in a tone as quiet as his.
His eyes moved to mine and he looked at me for a while, I could see the questions running through his brain. He knew where I was headed.
"I just wanted to be gone, but I couldn't bring myself to actually...ya know do it."

It wasn't the best time when I created this dark memory, and wasn't something I liked to replay. I was always sad, my mother had pasted, and my father wasn't helping matters in the slightest. I just snapped.

"Once I did it I immediately regret it and I just broke down crying for hours until I fell asleep on the floor of my closet." I said.
I turned to see his face, he was still looking at me. A mixture of sadness, and something else; I couldn't tell what.
"You didn't have to tell me that." He said as his fingers moved to my hair.
I shrugged,"I never told you because I only wanted you to see the good parts, I didn't want you to see me the way I saw myself. But now I just want you to see every part of me."
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my fingers before moving to my lips,"I love you," he whispered against my lips.
He slowly trailed kisses down my jawline and neck, his hand coming out of mine and down to my waist again,"every little bit of you."
I smiled, believing him completely. His lips came back up to mine and he kissed me once more, letting it sink in and linger for a moment.
"Nothing's gonna change that, baby."
I moved the falling golden strands of his hair away from his face and looked into his eyes,"I love you too."

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