Chapter Fifteen

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|| Lacey ||

Our weekend off was one we intended to spend well. Which meant we were gonna do absolutely nothing.
Okay well...maybe something...
I stayed over that Friday night after work and we went right up to his room and talked into the early hours of the morning, until we fell asleep.
One thing about Ross when he sleeps that hasn't changed, he gets clingy. Which I don't mind, but he denied it for years. He admitted he liked to hold someone in bed while falling asleep, who doesn't, but while he was sleeping I'd wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or even just shift my position a little and his body would turn and pull me into him. Leaving me stuck. This is what I woke up to.

His arm was around me loosely, my head mostly on the pillow but my cheek rested on his shoulder. I usually woke up first so I'd lay for a while and just enjoy his company. But I made the mistake of moving.

I looked up before doing so. Seeing his adorable face peacefully relaxed. His hair spread across the pillow. I went to turn my body but his arm immediately tightened around me. I turned my body so I was facing him.
"Stay..." He mumbled.
I smiled and snuggled into his chest. His scent keeping me completely at peace. Eventually I felt his hand move into my hair and his fingers slowly massage my head through the strands. I wanted so bad to just move into him more, but I was already as close as humanly possible. I didn't want any distance between us. A blissful hour of this went by.

"We have to get up at some point." I mumbled into his chest.
He shook his head and gave me a squeeze,"Nope. I'm not gettin up. Neither are you."
I laughed at his last part,"You're gonna make me stay?" I questioned while looking up.
He smirked with while opening his eyes a little,"I have my ways." He said and kissed my head.
I turned over in his arms with a smile and grabbed my phone from the night table. No messages, but a million notifications. So I went to the source, Instagram. I was tagged in a few things by the guys, commented in a couple pictures.

"That's a new one." Ross said while looking at the fan account I clicked on. It was for the band and Ryland and its couples. A lot of pictures of Rydel and Ellington, a few less of Riker and Savannah, a lot of me and Ross, and none of Rocky and Alexa being they haven't come out as a couple yet.
It was a new account though. I had seen a lot, but never this one.
There was a fanfiction one that caught my attention. Ellington proposing to Rydel.
Ellington took her on a romantic date and romantic walk on the beach afterwards. There were lights set up in the palm trees, a violinist, and written in the sand were the words 'Will you marry me?' As he got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. He'd really gone all out in this story, not my taste, but it was nice.

"That was a cute one." I said before moving on.
Having read it over my shoulder, I felt him shrug,"It wasn't bad. I can do better."
I laughed and turned onto my back still in his arms," I can do better."
He rose a brow,"How would you do it than?" He challenged.

I shrugged. I never really understood what the big fuss was about proposing. I mean I did, but I didn't understand why people felt they needed to 'go big or go home' when doing it.
"I'd just ask, it's simple. I love you and you love me, so let's get married." I said what I would probably say if I were in that situation. Maybe I wouldn't say it in so many words, but that's really the jist.
But Ross didn't respond for a few seconds while I scrolled through my phone.
"Okay." He said simply. I could hear his smile and I turned my eyes from my phone, confused.
"What?" I asked.
He nodded affirmatively,"Okay, let's get married."

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