Chapter Six

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Lacey wasn't one to fall asleep during the day, but she was so relaxed in his arms. Ross had one arm around her shoulder and his hand tangled in her hair and drew lines on her back and arm while her head rested on his shoulder comfortably. They had a movie playing mid day and had ended up melting in each others company. More so Lacey.

Ross smiled as she finally started to stir after an hour of a motionless, peaceful slumber. He smoothed down the back of her hair while leaning in to kiss her head.
Lacey sat up to see his face,"Sorry."
"Don't worry, I like watching you sleep." He thought about his words, but waited for her expected-to-be-very-sarcastic- response.
"That's creepy." She chuckled.
Not getting the normal response he expected, a red light went off. A signal pulsed through his body that left with an uneasy feeling.
"You good?"
Ross studied her intently. She nodded, but her eyes screamed for help. Not only because of the dark circles that started to form under her eyes, but the sparkle that usually brightened her and anyone who crossed her was no longer present.
"I know when you're lying," He tucked her hair away and kept his hand against the side of her face, letting his thumb graze her cheek up and down slowly,"You haven't been sleeping have you?" He kept his voice gentle. He pulled her legs over his lap and pulled her body closer to him.
Lacey nodded, wanting to genuinely talk to him about her issue and get help.
"I can't stop thinking about David, the letter I mean."
"Tell me what your feeling." He said. Ross hated sounding like he was a therapist, which is all he got from his statement, but he wanted to help.
"I just don't know what's gonna happen. I'm thinking too far into things and assuming the worst will happen and..." She let out a sigh.
Lacey was brave. Something Ross always envied her for since they were young. Which is why she had such hesitation before finishing,"I'm scared." She admitted solemnly. Keeping her eyes out the window at first. But soon enough, she turned her eyes to him. His hand returning to its forming spot on her face.
"It's okay to be scared." He murmured, stroking her hair.
"I hate being afraid, but I always am with this. I wanna be strong, I don't wanna collapse from this but I'm too weak to hold myself up."
"That's not true,"He answered almost right away,"Lacey you're strong. You're so strong, I know you are and being afraid doesn't change that. Everyone has their fears, even the bravest of us."
Lacey wasn't convinced. She wanted to over come this thing, she has for years, but it still haunts her. She lowered her eyes to her lap.
Ross kissed her head again before moving to the side of her head and resting his cheek against her hair,"I hate seeing you like this," he whispered while kissing just next to her ear,"How can I help? What can I do to make you feel better?"
He knew full well this was something he couldn't fix on his own, but he at the very least wanted to make her smile. Just do something to see she wasn't on the verge of breaking and she knew he was there for her.
"Keep me close." She said while taking his hand and watching their hands. Their fingers moving in out of of each others. He watched her take a relaxing breath, her eyes moving up to meet his before leaning in and kissing him. His hand move down to her waist and his arm snaked around her while his other hand meshed into her hair as he kissed her deeply.

Wild Hearts (A Ross Lynch Story Book Two) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant