Chapter Seventeen

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|| Lacey ||

"Don't ask me where we're going." He added as he guided me down the street of who knows where.
I was tempted, but obeyed. He stopped me and I heard him walk in front of me.
He did something else as well but I couldn't tell what.
"Okay open up." He said.
I opened my eyes and saw nothing directly in front of me, but I looked down to see Ross. Down on one knee.
"Oh my god." I mumbled with a laugh.
He grinned beautifully and took one of my hands,"Recognize it?" He asked.
I looked around, knowing exactly where we were.
Not being 7 anymore, we couldn't very well stand under the cherry blossom we got "married" under years ago. So we stood just next to it. 14 years later and it hardly changed.
"We've been in this situation before." I smirked. Gesturing to the proposal position he was in and the tree.
He rose his brow,"True, but both technically unofficial."
He pulled a small blue velvet box out from his pocket and opened it up. A perfect little silver band inside with a diamond in the middle,"We've never been traditional, and I think we should have at least one moment." He looked up at me and I smiled, laughing away a lump in my throat,

"Lacey, I'm gonna be honest it feels like we've been married for 18 years. We act like it, we talk like it, we even argue like it. But no matter what we've been you always saw the best in me. You inspired me to keep going when I gave up, you stay strong when I can't, and for some strange reason you love and put up with me no matter what." He laughed and adjusted himself before standing. He took the ring from the box and slid it on my finger, considering I already said yes. The box returned to his pocket and he took both of my hands, both of us looking down at the ring on my finger. He moved his hands up and tucked my hair behind my ears on both sides before cupping my face and leaning back a little to see my face fully since he was taller,"I've thought of doing this countless times and every time I did I had this long speech that would constantly change, now here I am and I have no idea what to say." He chuckled as his hands ran down to my hands and our fingers interlocked,"I'm just gonna be straight up, I feel like that's when we do our best work." He smirked before chuckling,"Lacey you are stubborn, and frustrating, hard-headed, unbelievably sarcastic, wonderfully weird," I laughed at his last remark. His voice lowered down to a soft whisper like tone,"...and strong...adventurous...and beautiful inside and out, and you mean everything to me."

He brought our hands up and made sure the ring on my finger was visible to both of us as we looked down at it. This little band of silver and a diamond was a symbol of a life we had and hope to have in the future. Crazy, huh?

"I learn something new about you every day and I wanna spend the rest of my life learning more. I know you already said yes but I gotta hear it again...Lacey will you marry me?" He asked.
I grinned and a tear left my eye as I nodded,"Yes." I whispered against his lips. Once the words left my mouth he pulled me into him and kissed me with more passion than I thought humanly possible.

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