Chapter Thirteen

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|| Ross ||

Spending the day with Lacey and her mom was a really nice. She told me all about her mom, even after we left the cemetery. Her mom sounded so awesome. Adventurous, kind, open minded, it explained a lot about Lacey. She turned out just the same. She even looked just like her.

We went back to her bedroom back at her apartment later in the day and started looking through old things she'd gotten after her mom passed away. We both looked through all of them. Lacey said she'd never seen what was in them. She never had it in her to open them and see, she thought she would break. But now that she felt she was ready, and she wanted me to look with her.
I was over on one side of the bed while she was on the other, looking through an old book.

"I've been looking for this!" Lacey said after a while. I looked up to see her holding a thick but small book, vintage.
"Whatcha got?" I asked.
"The original Grimms fairytales. I use to read them all the time and I loved them so much. I thought it was gone." She smiled so much it was contagious.
"You read those as a kid? They're dark." I commented.
She smirked at me,"The bloodier the better." Her voice was low. She always did love the gory horror movies. I don't know why this surprised me. P
"You scare me sometimes." I said in a similar low tone, making her giggle.

Lacey put the book aside on the bed and went back to her box while I went back to mine.
I smiled at what I found next. One section of the box was set aside with white apparel and accessories.
"Babe look at this." I smiled into the box.
Lacey walked around the bed to my side and sat across from me on the other side of the box. She looked in and smiled.
I lifted up a simple but elegant white flower crown with a veil attached. I lifted it over Lacey's head and placed in gently on her, smiling. She was beautiful. Her smile only made her more beautiful.
"She use to let me wear this when I dressed up with her." She smiled.
I moved away some of her soft strands and looked at her for a little while, taking in the work of art before me.
I noticed a slight blush in her expression before she looked back down into the box. She pulled out a small bride figure that would normally be seen on the top of a wedding cake.
"I always liked seeing this on top of the cake." She said. Her eyes glued to the tiny figure in her hands.
Lacey always said she never wanted the big and fancy weddings that some people have. But she loved the little details like this. The figure, the veil, the bouquet, the kiss.
"Ever think about the future. Our futrure?" I asked.
Lacey finally looked up at me and hesitated before shrugging,"Do you?"
I gave her a look, cocking my head to the side. I didn't bother to say anything. After looking at her long enough she cracked, sighing.
"Sometimes." She answered.
I smiled,"Me too." I really did.
I've always loved her, so of course I think about what the future has in store for us. Would I marry Lacey? In a heart beat. But I would live perfectly content having just being engaged to her, even just dating. So long as I spent my life with her, It didn't matter to me.
"Can I ask you something? And I don't want it to scare you because this is completely hypothetical and an opinion question really."
She nodded,"Okay."
I said the sentence to myself in my head a few times before saying it out loud to her,"Would you marry me?"
She looked at me surprised, and eventually smiled at me for a while. Getting her serious answer from this, I smiled back. Then came her vocal, joking answer.
"I mean I guess." She shrugged, biting her lip.
I shook my head with a smirk as she stood up and leaned down to kiss me.
"I said yes to you once, I wouldn't mind saying it again." She winked when we broke away for a quick moment.
I pulled her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist, looking into her eyes that were now level with mine,"So that's a maybe?" I smirked.
"I'm sure you can convince me to say yes." She whispered against my lips. Causing me to pull her lips back against mine.

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