Chapter Fourteen

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|| Ross ||

I wasn't sure what to say. It's always sad when someone dies. But honestly, after what happen, it's hard to be upset for him.

Lacey got a call early one morning since he was the only blood relative he had left, and informed her of the news. An overdose wasn't a surprise.
I know Lacey wanted nothing to do with David, but a part of me still knew she would be a little upset. I went by after work to check on her and she seemed okay. Not sad, no tears, but no smile either.

"How do you feel?" I asked. We sat on the couch with my arm around her and Lacey turned to face me in my hold. I played with her fingers in her lap while my other hand played with her hair from behind.

Lacey shrugged, not actually saying anything for a while. She looked down at my hand playing with hers slowly,"I don't really feel anything." She said softly,"I kinda feel guilty."
Guilty? "Lace... you don't have to be upset for him. No one expects you to be."
She nodded,"I know. But I still have that part of me that just says my father is dead."

I hated seeing her like this. I lifted her head to look into her eyes and saw a hint of grief. I cupped he face,"It amazes me how big of a heart is in such a tiny person." I really didn't intend for this to be humorous, but it made her smile. I even got a small laugh from her.
"I can't help it." She chuckled.
I shook my head,"I'm not complaining."
She smiled but sighed,"Honestly, after I got that letter from him I went right back to feeling scared and nervous all the time. I thought he would find me or something and..." She shook away the thought she was leading up to and continued on,"I just feel a little better now..." She added the last word while resting her head on my shoulder,"Does that make me a bad person?"
I gave her a squeeze and kissed her head for a while,"No, it doesn't." Knowing she felt safe gave me a lot of comfort. Having her in my arms knowing I could keep her safe made me feel even better.
She looked up from my shoulder and smiled up at me,"Ya know you make me real happy." She said, laughing a little bit.
I couldn't help but laugh with her,"Ya know you make me real happy too."
She giggled and rested her head back on my shoulder,"I think I'm over tired."
I smiled into her hair,"I think so too, get some sleep." I mumbled before adjusting myself to stand, but she stopped me and shook her head,"Bedroom's too far." She said.
I smiled and sat back down, grabbing a pillow so she could rest her head down.
She turned in her lap and placed her head on the pillow and started falling asleep in my lap once I started smoothing her curls down.
"You don't have to stay if you don't want to." She said tiredly.
"I'm not going anywhere." I whispered before letting her fall asleep.

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