Chapter Eight

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|| Lacey ||

Ross walked me down the street at a slow pace. It was fairly dark, but not because of the lack of sunlight, there were no lights. Not even that the streets lights there were out, there were just no lights. However there were two, down toward the end of the street was a little park that was rarely used anymore but was quite the attraction when Ross and I were growing up, and near it was two tall street lights that gave off a orangey-yellowish glow. The street had two circles on opposite sides from the street lights that projected them above, and they were almost touching in the middle of the road.
I remember walking and riding my bike down this street and it was always so creepy to come here later in the day when the sun was going down. Even if you were with someone. But now, feeling his hand embracing mine as he guided me down the dimly lit street, it was beyond romantic and simply beautiful.

Once we approached the only lights on the street he stopped in front nf me and pulled me into him.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a small laugh.
Ross just smiled and wrapped one of his muscular arms around my waist while his other hand was holding mine. Out of habit, I wrapped my free arm around his neck and allowed him to take me away. Quickly, I caught on to his plan. It was number 2 on my mental list of 5 things I wanted to do before I died. Nothing major, just little things like this. I never specified if I wanted to do those things with anyone, but if it was anyone, I'm glad it's him.

He causally started swaying us around the street, occasionally twirling me and making me smile.
"This is nice." I smiled genuinely while looking into his eyes.
He nodded in agreement with a,"Mmm." And a smile before pulling me closer and leaning his head against mine.

I started to wonder about the houses around us. How people were probably looking through their windows and watching us, most likely judging. Wondering why two kids would want to go out in the middle of the night and dance in the streets. But I didn't care. Normally I'd be pretty self conscious. But when you think about it, people always see things like this in movies and say how romantic it is. How many people get to say they actually did it?
I can.

He dipped me down and kept me there for a few moments. I felt his arm turn a little and his head turn in its direction. He looked back at me with a smile.
"What?" I asked.
He brought me back up and kept his arm around me while taking out his phone and showing me the screen.
12:00 AM.
"We danced in the streets till the morning." He said softly.

Wild Hearts (A Ross Lynch Story Book Two) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz