Chapter Seven

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|| Ross ||

I couldn't wait anymore. I had been planning her surprise for about a week now, and it seemed perfect enough. Everything was set, I even made sure Lacey and I were both off from work. But the only thing she knew was that I was coming over and we were going to watch a movie back at my place.

I thought about all of the possibilities on my way to her apartment. You see, I could've planned your average night. The cliche "special night" scenes you see in movies. A romantic dinner, maybe a movie, ending in a candle lit room and no one but you and your significant other. Truthfully, I didn't have the night planned out in detail. Lacey didn't like that, and really niether did I. She loved surprises and the unexpected. So in the end, where the night would end up was just as a mystery to me as it was to her.

I knocked on the door to her apartment and listened to her light footsteps approaching. I looked down and saw the shadow of her standing on the opposit side, soon disappearing once she opened the door. That perfect smile took my breath away like it did every goddammed time.
"Hey," she said.
"Hey," I adjusted the hand that was behind my back and brought around to reveal to her the flower I had. Her favorite, single white Lily.
She looked down at the flower and gently took it from me. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was happy, which made me a hundred times more happy. That specific life in her eyes that in the past lived constantly and prominantly, but had disappeared lately. It's been too long.
"It's beautiful," She paused,"Am I missing something? A special occasion, anniversary..."
"No reason. But it will be a special night." I said.
She looked at me cautiously but with an intriguing smile.
I winked and took her hand,"We're gonna go on an adventure," I said the words we'd used as children in a daily basis, and briefly as we grew older.
She bit her lip,"Where?"
I shrugged, sticking by my promise to not give it away.
She giggled,"Okay," , giving me the signal to pull her along with me.

Lacey loved the little things. Some of the cliche, but mostly the little random things. One of those was first on my mental list for tonight.

There's a specific part of town that, for and unknown half an hour, is completely dark. No street lights, no buildings. Just an open field with tall and full oak trees. Another reason I picked tonight was a result of the full moon. Which would provide enough light to see our way through the thick black fog, while still allowing us to see the stars.
I kept my hand over her eyes while walking her to the best spot just next to the biggest oak tree.
"Ross," she started. Knowing her impatient nature all too well, I stopped her.
"Almost, Lace. I promise," I heard her laugh a little as I answered her unfinished question.
I placed my other hand on her arm while settling her in a good spot.
"Okay uh,"I contemplated how to go about this,"I'm gonna lay you down,"
"What?" She sounded cautious and I tried to reassure her.
"Trust me. Just lower yourself down and I'll guide you."
She nodded, keeping her eyes closed. She lowered down and I kept my hands on her arms while she sat in the grass. Once she was settled down I encouraged her back so she would be laying on her back. I looked up to see the sky, dark and filled with millions of stars, while laying down next to her. I propped myself up on my side and on my elbow while petting her hair down,"Open up," I whispered.
Lacey blinked rapidly while her eyes adjusted, eventually smiling while she inspected the sky. I watched her in admiration. I watched her eyes create a beautiful story for these stars.

"Take's your breath away. Think about it all of these stars are millions and millions of miles away, but it feels like you could just reach up and touch one. Some of them aren't even there. They probably died years ago, but we can still see the light from such a distance. It's like looking into the past," she pointed up to a random star,"That could've been the same star Shakespeare gazed up at." She was so amazed with the theory. We both were. I lowered myself down and rested my head next to hers. Taking her hand and kissing her fingers before settling it between us.
We sat in silence for about six minutes before hearing an airplane fly up ahead. But we payed no mind to it while we counted the stars.

Wild Hearts (A Ross Lynch Story Book Two) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora