Chapter Two

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|| Lacey ||

Like every morning had been for me, waking up was complete bliss; I woke up in comfort and warmth. Both from the same source. Whether I was wrapped in his embrace or not, he was close enough for me to hear his steady breathing, to feel his body heat radiating onto me. I never wanted to leave the bed in the morning. But eventually I had to. Ross and I would sit in bed for a while and talk or just lay there, followed by some sort of breakfast, and we'd end up spending the day together.

For some unknown reason, I woke up really early. The sun wasn't even up yet. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and turned over to see if Ross was awake. Even though I already knew the answer. Ross was sleeping peacefully, adorably. I didn't want to be awake yet, so I went to close my eyes again; taking a deep breath as I did. But I was interupted by my phone vibrating next to me. I flipped it over to be blinded by the light from the screen.

Rydel: You awake down the hall? *winky face*

I smiled and opened up my phone to respond.

Lacey: Unfortunately. It's too early.

Rydel: Is Ross up?

Lacey: Nope. What about Ell?

Rydel: Yeah, he was up before me. He woke me in a pretty interesting way lol.

After reading this, I decided to ask her. Her and Ell had been a couple longer than anyone I knew around our age, she seemed like the best person to ask. Not to mention she was one of my best friends.

Lacey: Can I ask you something?

Rydel: Shoot.

Lacey: After you and Ell started dating, how long did it last before the romance sort of...dialed down?

Rydel took a little longer to respond to this.

Rydel: Maybe 5 months. Ell and I spent all of our time together, always going on tour and stuff. But we always found ways to keep the spark alive. Why? Something wrong with you and Ross?

Lacey: Nothing wrong. I guess maybe I'm over thinking things. It just seems like since we spend so much time together that our spark died out. Like maybe he's sick of me.

Rydel: I'm sure it's not what you think. I mean Ross is such a hopeless romantic. If anyone would keep the romance it's him. But if it really bothers you, you should talk to him. But honey trust me, there's no one he's sick of you. He's completely in love with you, always has been.

She was right. Honesty with him, just talking things out, has always been the best bet for me. It always worked out in the end.

Lacey: Thanks Delly *heart emoji*

Rydel: Always here, babe *kissy face*

With that, I locked my phone and placed it on the night stand before turning over.
I looked over to see Ross just waking up. His hair was a mess, his eyes were still sleep filled.
"Hey there." He mumbled once he opened his eyes as I moved his hair away from his face.
"Mm." I responded quietly.
Ross propped himself up on his arm and looked down at me. He just stared.
I shook my head a little as I turned onto my back, confused,"What?"
He ran his finger through a strand of my hair as he studied my eyes, as if expecting to see the answer he desired in my eyes.
"You're quite, but not like you normally are. Talk to me." He added softly.
I sat up and tucked my hair away behind my ear. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't do it. It felt too random I think. For now, I just decided to leave it be.
"It's nothing." I said,"Really."
He knew I wouldn't say at this point. But that didn't stop him from trying to make me feel better. Because he knew full well I wasn't fine.
"Well you said "it", so it's something."

His hand came up and caressed my cheek gently. I loved the connection, any connection.
"You know you can tell me anything." He added.
I nodded, but looked back down. I caved.
"Are you sick of me?" I asked finally.
He looked at me surprised, his face dropping.
I shrugged while playing with the comforter,"Well I mean we've been together for a while now, and with most couples the beginning of a relationship is always so...heat filled and passionate. Our heat kinda cooled. I just don't want you to get tired of me or...anything." I didn't want to sound stupid as I explained myself. But I'm pretty sure it still came out that way.
"Lacey.." He lifted my head up from my chin and looked into my eyes,"Baby I'm crazy about you. There are times when I can barely keep my hands off of you. You're beautiful and sexy and exciting, I could never be sick of you, ever."
I couldn't help but smile at him.
"Yes." He whispered before kissing me. A charge running through me, though it was quick. "Lace I always want you."
I leaned into him and rested my head against his shoulder, feeling his fingers come into mine.
"I love you. I really do. You know that, right?" He said.
I looked up and nodded with a smile,"I love you too."

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