Chapter Four

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|| Ross ||

I flipped to the next page of my book, trying my best to not wake her up. Being that Lacey had come home in the afternoon, the sun was now starting to set. Creating a dark orange tint in the sky that flowed into the room.
I finished my chapter before looking down to see Lacey still asleep on my chest, her arm stretched over my waist.

We hadn't had a day like this in a while. Just the two of us, laying close after a make-out session. Something we use to do all the time.

I kissed her head, but once I did I regretted it. She started to stir, taking in a deep breath and she turned her head a little. She made a little noise as she did, the adorable sound that a baby would make. Her eyes slowly started to open before they fluttered fully open. She looked first at the door, than to me as she smiled.

"I needed that." She said while stretching in my arms.
"The nap or the making out?" I laughed.
"Both." She settled back in her original position.
Her head turned a little so she wasn't making eye contact with me anymore, and I gently turned it back
I leaned down and kissed her head. Instantly she smiled.
"You make me happy." She mumbled.
Hearing this made me smile. Making anyone happy made me happy, but making someone you love unconditionally is an entirely different feeling.
"You make me happy." I repeated.
I leaned in again to kiss her before I was interupted by a knock at the door.
Lacey rolled her eyes and jumped from the bed, slipping her clothes on from before,"That's probably Rydel." She said while getting up from the bed and walking fast-paced to the door.

She came back a lot sooner than I'd expected. A sealed envelope in her hand.
"What's that?" I asked, shifting to the end of the bed.
She shrugged and sat on the bed next to me,"Good question." Her eyes were glued to the envelope,"There was no one at the door, just this that was slid underneath."
I watched her open it, and I wanted to look over her shoulder to see what it was but I wanted to respect her privacy more. I stuck to studying her expression. Her eyes scanned over the piece of paper, quickly. Her mouth slowly opening.
Once she concluded, she shook her head,"This can't be happening..." She breathed out. She was struggling to find easy air, I could see it. Her hands were shaking as she lowered the letter onto the bed and brought her other hand up go her mouth where she chewed on her nails. A habit she couldn't seem to break from the time she was 9.
"What's wrong?" I asked, already filled with worry.
She didn't say anything. Instead she handed me the letter. I picked it up and started to read it to myself.

I know it's been quite some time, but I'd love to see you again. I miss my little girl, my baby. Last time I saw you, you were such a beautiful little girl. Now I want to see the beautiful young women you've grown into.
I know we have our differences, but don't shut me out, I'm trying to be the bigger person.
I wish to hear back soon. I'll see you soon. - Love always, Daddy.

Lacey's dad?
David Marin?

Last time I saw Mr. Marin was in passing. I was 13 and he was walking into the house Lacey grew up in down the road from me, carrying a brown bag. He left Lacey and her mom when we were 15. Lacey told me her parents just weren't working out and they were getting a divorce. She took it pretty hard, she was quiet for a long time.
But the last I'd heard of Mr. Marin...he was in no way able to send this letter. From what Lacey told me, he was now on Woodland Avenue.
The old cemetery.
I looked up from the letter to see Lacey still staring at the bed.
"There's a lot I didn't tell you."
Her voice was the lowest and darkest I'd ever heard it.

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