Chapter Twelve

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|| Lacey ||

"So...gimme the details!" Rydel said excitedly from the other end of the counter. She always wanted to know the juicy gory details. Which I can appreciate.
I rolled my eyes with a smile and sipped my coffee,"Sorry babe, I'm not givin' that away."
Rydel gave me a look but I held my hand up a little to calm her,"However, I will say that it was...pretty hot." I smiled.
She narrowed her eyes at me,"How many time...would you say hot?"
I looked down, both of us knowing what she wanted to know, and I buried myself in my mug,"Four..."
I looked up to see Rydel's already large eyes get even wider making me laugh.
"Wow." She mumbled making us both laugh.
"What come on it's been a while," I defended,"It was much needed."
She smiled,"I know. I'm glad you finally had sometime together. You look happy."
I smiled, to myself mainly, agreeing with her,"I am happy."
"How are...other things." She asked.
It took me a minute to process what she meant. But once I did I offered a smile.

I had told them all about what had happened with David a long time ago. They hated him as much as I did.
"I'm okay, and I haven't heard from him in about 2 weeks so hopefully this will just pass by."
"Just be careful. I don't want David near you." Rydel said this just as Riker and Rocky walked in.
Both of them turned to Rydel and myself, mainly me, with question.
"David? Like David Marin?" Riker asked walking over,"He contacted you?" I could tell just saying his name frustrated him.
"He sent her a letter." Rydel answered before I could,"Wanting to see her."
"No,"Rocky said immediately,"I don't want him near you, ever. You're not seeing him!" He said.
I sighed,"Guys I'm not, okay? I get that you're concerned and I love you for it, but don't worry about this. Okay?"
Rocky shook his head and sighed,"Yeah."
With that, Riker followed Rocky out of room without another word.
"They aren't gonna let this go." Rydel pointed out.
I nodded,"I know. But I have this under control. I read the letter, and I ignored it. I haven't gotten another, and I probably never will. If I do, I'll take care of it." I said.
Rydel looked at me for a little while before nodding,"Okay. But you know you can ask for help if you need it."
I smiled,"I know."
Rydel returned the smile while reaching across the counter and squeezing my hand,"Hey isn't in Wednesday?" She pointed out, changing the subject.
I nodded,"Mmhmm. Ross actually wanted to go this time so I said I'd take him to see her." I smiled.

Once Ross got back from work we drove down to Woodland Ave and I walked with him side by side to where she'd been for the past 8 years.
I didn't speak of her a lot. A bad habit that I wanted to break, but I still found it too hard. I thought about her a lot though.
No one even brought her up. They thought it was still a sensitive topic. Again, it still was. But being here with Ross was a good excuse to talk about her. He never knew he well enough, she'd met Ross all of 4 times maybe, a hello and goodbye was all they exchanged. He wanted to know about her, and I wanted to tell him.

It was a beautiful day. The sun released the perfect amount of warmth and their was a gentle breeze. I took him to the same bench I always sat on that was near her and we sat down in front to face her.

Elisabeth Roselyn Marin
Beloved mother, wife, and daughter.
September 12th, 1970 - May 20th 2008

"You know it's weird. That single dash represents her whole life." I said softly. That always bothered me. I mean I know there wasn't much to put, but that one line. 38 years.
"What was she like?" Ross asked while taking my hand gently.
I looked down at the tombstone and smiled at her name, seeing her face. I always loved that I could still see her face. I made it a point to come every week, just so I wouldn't forget what she looked like.
"She was the perfect mom, in every sense of the word." I smiled at him," Ya know she always told me these stories before bed when I was little, some of them weren't even true I don't think, but I wouldn't even be able to sleep after she told them because they just made my mind wander. After every story she always told me something that I needed to remember forever, and one always stuck with me,"as I said it I heard her saying it with me in my head," 'Stand tall and smile with grace, my love,'"I felt myself choking up and tried to hold back tears. I sniffled before continuing," 'if you see something you love, hold it and never let go once you have it,' I said that quote to myself at least once a week. She was always saying things like that to inspire me, keep me going.
"She sounds amazing." Ross said.
I looked over to see him smiling a little and I returned it.
"She would've love you, so much," I moved some of his loose hair that the wind blew into his eyes behind his ear and returned my hand back in his,"You're music and the way you live. Sometimes you actually remind me of her." I admitted.
He looked at me confused,"How so?"
I shrugged,"Little things you do. Like when talk about music, you're filled with such passion and it shows. Sometimes you even smile to yourself. And how you laugh at random things, and you keep laughing just to laugh. You also have this ability to make anyone smile at any time." I said. Saying it, I just pictured her smiling at me. Their was so much life in her smile. So much to tell from a single one of her smiles.
"She was always good at that." Here it was. I was thinking about her so hard it's like she was right here with us. Like I could see her ghost sitting beside me or standing in front of us smiling, laughing. But than reality kicked in and my heart shatter all over again. She wasn't there.
"I really miss her." I said quietly. Afraid that if I spoke any louder my voice would crack from the tears ready to shed.
I felt my best friend's arm come around me and pull me in close, kissing my head while petting my head down soothingly.

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