(4) Frank was pissed near the end of this chapter and it got steamy

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"What the fuckkkk go away." I groaned, trying to turn over and get away from Lindsey. She huffed before easily pulling me out of the bed by my feet. Fortunately, I clung to the comforter, bringing it with me.

"Gerard. Get up. Take a shower and get dressed. We're going to the mall." She said, nudging me with her foot. I groaned.

"How did you know I wasn't at work?" I muttered.

"There is this thing called I went to visit you," She said, crossing her arms. "Now hurry the fuck up. Get dressed and showered. Nice hair. Finally re dyed it." She said before leaving me to face the sunlight.

I really need to change those curtains.

With heavy feet, I dragged myself to the dresser, grabbing jeans and a shirt. I tucked the boxers in the jeans before shuffling to the bathroom.

"Hurry up if you want coffee!"

My ears perked. Holy shit. She's amazing.

My motions seemed to speed up at the mention of coffee, needing the fucking caffeine. I honestly didn't care what time it was right now either. Just coffee was soon.

Fuck yes.

In my haste, I probably almost killed myself three times from getting out of the comforter that I brought, almost slipping on it. Another time when I didn't react fast enough to the shower gel falling. Once more with a slip on the floor.

It seemed like a whirl of just tugging on clothing, fixing my hair, making sure I looked okay completely before just doing the typical hygiene.

"Gerard fucking Way! Get your ass out here! It's almost 2:30 in the afternoon!" Linds shouted. I ran over my face once more, making sure my stretch marks were covered before going out of the steamy bathroom and into the kitchen. Lindsey slid a cup of coffee towards me on the counter and I stopped it before taking a much needed sip. 

She looked like she was going to kill me. Lindsey must be real pissed then. Because when I drained the mug, she yanked my arm and nearly dragged my flailing body out of my apartment. She managed to lock the door before almost killing me on the way down the stairs.

Jesus Christ Lindsey.

Calm the fuck down.

Once her car came into view, she let go and just got into the drivers seat. Of course, I followed.

"There was a blanket on your couch. Folded nicely on the other end. Who was over?" She asked, trying to pull the protective friend but failing miserably.

"No one-"

"Gerard don't bullshit me. You don't fold blankets after yourself." She said, instantly cutting me off. I let out an annoyed noise before caving.

"Frank." The name came out like it was toxic. Like he was the worlds worst person or killed Mikey. I swear if he ever tried to kill Mikey I'd gut him. Lindsey raised an eyebrow, puckering her infamous red slicked lips.

"Spill." She shrugged as she stopped at a stop light, giving me a look.

"Okay. Well he came over tomorrow to just hang out apparently but we both knew that probably wouldn't happen considering he's actually making me feel less like a freak. It started to storm last night and apparently he has a fear of them and we both fell asleep around maybe eleven? I woke up around two and find he fucking left but he sent me a text. He just sent 'thanks.' Lindsey I don't know. I might be over reacting but like, don't I deserve more than a 'thanks?'" I stressed, my knuckles almost turning white from how tight they were on my jeans.

In Where Gerard Is Awkward And Tries To Seduce Frank حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن