Twenty nine

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The wordt day of our trip has arrived. Katie and I are leaving LA to go home. This trip has flown by but i'm so happy I got to spend it with these amazing people. I met my amazing boyfriend here. We will make it work. The distance won't get between us. We will have to be strong and sometimes it will be very hard but I know we will be able to do it.

Today is an awful day of course. Grayson is very quit in the car when we are driving to the airport. I know he wants me to stay and he doesn't want me to leave. It will be really hard to let him go. We have been by each others side ever single day and now it will be through our camera's. We will have to FaceTime a lot and our bills will be very expensive but we don't care as long as we hear from each other.

Grayson: I love you baby girl. I will miss you so hard. I don't think I will be able to live without you for so long. Promise me you won't cheat on me he laughs and text me everyday.

Anastasija: you know I won't cheat on you. I love you way too much for that. I hope i can except the same from you. I don't want to see other girls around you unless they are fans. Love you too darling.

Katie and I have to say goodbye for real this time. Tears are rolling down on both of our faces. We won't let each other go. We keep hugging until Ethan had to get us out of each other. It's time for Anastasija to go now. We will miss you so much. We had an amazing time.

We hugged and kissed for the last time. This isn't a goodbye forever. Know that we will see each other again soon. I promise you. This will make our relationship stronger. Distance means only so little when I know you love me.

Bye darling. Have a safe flight and let me know when you arrived home. Love you babe and see you very soon.

I saw the last glimp of Grayson and than I had to leave. Katie comforts me and tells me it will be alright.

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