Twenty five

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After a little delay I arrived at their apartment and Ethan let me in. I have never drove so fast in my life. Luckily there wasn't many people on the road!

Ethan: finally you are here. I taught you wouldn't come anymore.

Anastasija: I know I know but I had a little discussion with Katie earlier.

Ethan: why? nothing bad I hope?

Anastasija: no not really I think. But never mind where is Grayson his room. Can you show me, i'll try my best to get him out of that room.

Ethan: Here behind that door on your left side! I haven't told him yet that you were coming so he doesn't know you are here. I'm kinda nerveous to know how he is going to react. I can't get him out and I really hope you will be able to.

Anastasija: i'll try my best!

I knock on Grayson door without saying anything, nobody is answering so I knock a second time and a third time.


Anastasija: Hey Grayson. Can we talk for a second. it's me, Anastasija.

First there was a little silence but they he answered what are you doing here? Why are you here? There is no reason to because you were very clear in your text yesterday!

Anastasija: can you please open the door for me, I don't want to talk to you like that.

I managed him to open the door. He looked very tired and I saw that he had been crying earlier because his eyes were looking very red. I feel so bad at the moment.

Anastasija: Grayson, I really want to apoligize. When I send you that text yesterday I didn't know you made that video to annonce that you are quitting social media for me. I really didn't know other wise I wouldn't have send that because I know you did that for me but I don't want to be the reason you are quitting. I would feel even more bad about it. We have been going through a lot lately but this was the last thing I wanted to happen. Can you please get that video out of the internet. I don't care if I will get all that hate again, I just want you to be happy again and live your dream. I don't want to be the reason you stopped doing what you are doing.

Grayson: you know I made that video for a reason. You are the one who makes me happy. In that short time we know each other I have been able to really know you and I really love you. You are my princess and I can't imagine living without you. I do still love making videos and I still love my fans so much but that video was the only solution for me that we saw. I can still meet my fans and I am able to go out with you. I've told the fans the entire situation and how i was feeling and I think they are really upset about what they did. They have really understand that you are the girl of my dreams. I was just so shocked when I saw your text. I taught you saw the video and still didn't wanted to do anything with me anymore and that really hurted me but I guess I didn't know the real story. I was too upset and too sad. I'm so happy Ethan called you and that you are here now. I love you babe.

Anastasija: I love you too and Indeed it was all just a mis communication. We should have both discussed it together but i still want you guys to get that video of twitter and maybe we can try it one more time again. Maybe we should now really explain it together to your fans. As long as i'm with you nothing can stop me. I think I have an idea

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