Twenty three

650 7 0

At around 10 am I woke up. I was changing into some new clothes I bought here in LA when I heard that Katie was on the phone. I couldn't really hear who she was talking to but I didn't taught anything of it. In the mean time i was putting my white converse on the side of the bed. I was still kinda listening to the conversation that Katie was having.

At one point I heard
* it don't want to hear it Ethan. I think Anastasija has been really clear. I'm really sorry but she is trying to move on with her live. Grayson will do that too. I promise you!

When i heard she was talking to Ethan i ran up to her. What is he saying, what is wrong?

I take the phone out of her hand and listen to what Ethan has to say.

Ethan: OMG finally I have you on the phone. I have been calling you for such a long time and you just aren't picking up the phone. I have to talk to you. Grayson is out of his mind. We posted the video yesterday after we discussed it together and now he won't let me into his room anymore.

Anastasija: what? Which video?

Ethan: well haven't you seen it? The one where we annonce that we are quiting social media forever.

Anastasija: what? You are kidding me right. This is a joke!

Ethan: no for real. When Grayson came back from you he was super upset because you got all those hate comments. He told me he didn't want you to go through what Jesse went through. Graysons ex girl. He told me he was tired of hiding you and he wanted to come out with you as his girlfriend but the only solution was quitting. At first I have to be honest I didn't want to stop. We have always so much fun filming stuff but he than said what if you had a girlfriend that was going through all these things thanks to you would you keep doing it and that got me over the line.

We than immediatly filmed a video where we explained everything to the fans and we uploaded it but than 20 minutes later or so he closed the door of his room and he didn't let me in anymore. I tried everything but I don't k ow what to do anymore. Do you know why he can be so upset.

Anastasija. OMG no way. I have never wanted you guys to stop YouTube and definetly not for me. I know exactly why he is so pissed. I sended him a text that I thoughed it would be better to stop talking and seeing each other because I didn't want to ruin his career but I didn't knew anything from that video. After sending that text to him I closed my phone!

Ethan: that explains a lot. Now I know why. What do we do know. I won't be able to help him.

Anastasija: you are right. I messed up so I will be the only one who he will listen to right now. I'm on my way to your Apartment right now. I'll be there in 10 minutes 

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