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Yesterday was a horrible day and i'm glad it's over. I'm feeling a lot better today. After I took a bath and changed into some compfy clothes i calmed down. I really needed that at that moment. I was so confused and upset. I'm happy I have Katie by my Side. I don't know what I would have done without her. She knows me best and she knew I would relax after taking a bath and taking a nap.

It's almost 11 am and Grayson and Ethan are almost coming. I know I said I didn't wanted to see him anymore but I deserve an explication after what happened yesterday. I also said it in a bad mood because I still want to know what is going on and I have to talk to Grayson alone as well. He did say the liked me and I have to admit I still like him very much. We just have to figure things out.

I wasn't even able to eat something this morning because I was to nerveous so now I'm sitting on the couch with just a little snack waiting for them to come. It was almost 20 minutes past 11 and they still weren't here. I started to freak out a little because maybe they weren't coming. At that moment Katie got a text from Ethan that they were on their way but that they were stuck in a traffic. Pfff what a releave. I'm glad Ethan and Katie are having a really good connection with each other. They are actually becoming really good friends.

I heared a knock on the door. My heart stopped for a second. Katie asked if she had to open the door but she didn't have to. I will go but i do want you to stay with me here if they are giving me the explication.

Katie: okay of course honey. I will always stick by your Side. You know that right and to be honest I also would like to know what they will say.

I opened the door. Grayson looked very tired. I think he didn't slept so much yesterday. I let them in and offered them something to drink. I then sat down next to Katie on the couch.

Ethan started the conversation.

Ethan: okay I think yesterday turned out horrible for every single one of us but we are all calm now and I think Grayson and I can tell you what happened. Grayson? Do you want to explain it?

Grayson: yes I would like to because I have some explication to do. Well all these girls you saw at the restaurant, well they must have recognized me.

Anastasija: recognized you?

Grayson: well Yeah. How do I saw it, we are kinda famous on the internet. We have a lot of fans from all around the world.

Anastasija: what? I'm so confused? What are you guys doing on the internet than because I actually didn't knew you guys before.

Grayson: well Yeah that is possible of course. We started on vine, maybe you know that. That was a very great success and we started a YouTube channel. We started this all for fun not really knowing what would happen but a couple of months earlier I also started talking to a girl but she knew I was kinda famous but she didn't had a problem with it what so ever until one moment. She got dead treats, people said they wanted to kill her because we were talking. She was so scared and she stopped talking to me and she broke up. After that I had never heard anything from her before. I was heartbroken for so long. Ethan and I swore to each other that if we ever met someone else and they didn't knew what we did we would never tell her or we would try to hide it for the fans. These fans are the best fans we can imagine but sometimes they don't understand what privacy is.

When I first say these girls outside the restaurant I wasn't really offended or something because I was standing there alone at the bar but I think they must have seen you. They probably taught you were that other girl and they started screaming horrible things. Things I have wanted to hear again, the same things I lost that other girl with and I don't wanted to happen again. I knew you didn't heared it so that's why I didn't tell you and that's why we had to leave.

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