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Today is the last day home before we leave. I'm super stressed because I don't want to forget anything. I'm parking my bags and like always i'm bringing way too much stuff with me. If you know me that happens all the time.

I'm checking everything multiple time to make sure. I have all my clothes, my camera, my phone and my phone charger, shoes, passport, tickets, ...

Yes check. I think you have everything right now calms my mom. You have everything you need darling and if you forget something you can buy it there. It's not a big deal as long as you have you passport and your tickets you will be fine. I'm sure. You are such a grown up women now and I can't be prouder of you. It's hard for me to let you go but I know you will be doing great as long as you take care of yourself and Katie.

Thanks mom. You are right. I shouldn't be so stressed out but I have been looking forward to this trip for so log and I really want it too be perfect.

Mom: i understand Anastasija but it will. I'm confident. I have also called with the mom of Katie today. I will bring you guys to the airport tomorrow. At 6 am we are going to pick her up because we need to be a little bit earlier. Katie's mom will be the one who will bring you guys back home again after the trip. I know it will be two months later than but as you know us we have already planned that too.

Anastasija: exactly we know you two, but it's so kind off you. We are so happy to have you both as our moms.
I think I will listen to some music and finish some other stuff. After that I think I will chill for a while and than im definetly going to bed early today. Tomorrow will be a stressful day and we also have to get up very early.

Mom: I think that is a great plan hunny.

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