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I ran up to Grayson. What is taking so long? What is going on? You look so worried? Do you actually know what is happening with all these girl outside? Is there some kind of celebrity in this restaurant or something?

Grayson: we have to go. I can't tell you what is going on but one thing I know for sure is that we have to leave right now!

Anastasija: what? Why? Grayson, what is happening? I need to know? I am so confused right now. Why can't you tell me what is going on?

Grayson: I really can't right now but I promise you I will tell you when we are getting home. You have to trust me. We will have to leave this restaurant via the back door and than we can get to the car.

Anastasija: okay I trust you but i'm super confused to be honest. I'll follow you.

In the background I still heared all these girls screaming and now for the first time I heared a name. They were screaming his name. Grayson! Grayson!

Now I also understanded some sentences they were saying. Who is that whore next to you. Leave her. You have us.

I froze but I had to get in our car as fast as possible for some reason and I didn't hesitate to do at. At one foint I actually got scared. Why are they screaming his name and are they talking about me?

I couldn't get those words out of my head. If they were talking about me what did I do wrong? Why are they saying all these things. I don't even know them!

We finally got into the car. Grayson drove as fast as he could and he drove the other way so he didn't had to cross those screaming girls. We finally lost them and it was very quiet in the car. The music wasn't playing, I wasn't saying anything and Grayson niether. We both where extremly quiet. I have never had this before in my life and I want it to be over.

I broke the silence and asked Grayson where we would go now. Normally we meet Ethan and Katie somewhere and we would go visit the city. I don't know if we are still doing that or if we are going home. To be honest i'm not really in the mood anymore to walk around LA. I'm also questioning where Katie is right now. I have to tell her what happened today.

Grayson: I don't know, I really don't know. I have to take gas actually so first i'm doing that. Do you mind if I stop there.

Anastasija: of course not other wise we won't get anywhere.

We stopped at a gas station quit out of the city. Grayson is being very mysterious right now. He checks everything first before he gets out of his car and he isn't saying anything more to me. The amazing feeling I had early today when we were eating is completly gone.

When he left the car I didn't hesitated. I needed to call to Katie. This was now a good moment.

MINDBLOW || Dolan FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang