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Some time went by and I haven't really talked to Grayson in a while. We text back and forth but it did change. I have had a lot of time to think and I think I know what to do now. Every day i think of him and it's hard not having him next to me so I need to call him. Maybe it's good if we see each other later today

* the call

Anastasija: Hey Grayson. How are you?
Grayson: Ooh hey! i'm doing great what about you?
Anastasija: i'm good I was actually wondering if you have any plans later today. Maybe we can watch a movie together and order some pizza?
Grayson: that's sounds wonderful. I'm free today so that's perfect for me.
Anastasija: awesome well, at 5 pm at our hotel room.
Grayson: perfect i'll see you later than.

I'm actually really looking forward to our little date. Watching an awesome movie, eating pizza, talking. I can't wait till it's 5 pm.

I don't know what I will be doing till it's time. How am I going to keep me buzy. At 2 pm I will be back from the gym and than I will probably clear our room a little and than i can chill for a little. That's probably what i'm going to do.

Katie? Are you going to the gym with me? I have to be in shape for tonight, before I stuff myself with way to many pizza.

Katie: hahaha yes great idea. I'll make myself ready.

* back from the gym.

We are both so sweaty. I have to get in the shower but Katie also has a meeting today so she also want to get in the shower first. Okay I have an idea. Rock papier scissors.

Damn Katie won. What means that she can get in the shower first. Hahah I always lose with these kind of games. Why did I even proposed it.

I decided to go through my phone for a little. Checking Facebook, snapchat, instagram and then I come on twitter. Damn it's been ages since I looked at my twitter. It's been so long because I actually never check that anymore. I open my twitter and I enter my password ( that I still remember). WoW I have so many noticifations. What is this all about. I immediatly knew it. It were all fanaccount and guess what. It were all fanaccounts from the twins. They must have found my personal account. Ooh man I don't want to see what they are saying! After knowing what happened to graysons first girlfriend I checked all my social media except twitter to make sure they didn't write me any bad stuff but I forgot I still had twitter. The only social media they found is my twitter.

I'm going through all my messages. Grayson warned me. They were bad.
- leave my man alone
- Grayson is mine
- back off you hoe
- he doesn't love you
- you are so ugly, I don't know why he wants to date you

It kept going and when Katie came out of the shower singing and saw me almost breaking down in tears. She immediatly stopped.

Katie: what is going on? Why are you so upset.

I looked at my phone and she took it out of my hands. She read all the comments and messages. She understood what was happening.

I was so upset and hurt. What do I do? I don't want to see Grayson right now. I don't. I am not in the mood anymore. I'm hurt by all these messages and it's not that it's from the restaurant accident only because they are still sending me dms right now. They haven't forgotten me.

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