"Fine, have fun with your robot in your stupid boys only garage." April said then looked over Jamal shoulder at me. "Mom said you could stay for dinner if you want to, Aden."

"That sounds great. Tell your mom I said thanks" I said with a smile.

It's good to know that at least her mom liked me. I think I was getting closer to having her dad like me. His shell was a little harder to crack. He seemed to like that Michael was my step dad.

April smiled back at me. I wouldn't mind a chance to get some more alone time with her. After we kissed Keith had come home and we hadn't really had much time together.

I didn't mind much. It was nice to be able to get to know her family. They all seemed very loving. Even her father seemed to have a soft side, mainly brought on by her mother.

"Come on. We don't want to waste anymore time." Jamal said walking past me.

April rolled her eyes at him but blew me a kiss. I smile and give her a quick wink before turning back to fallow the two brothers.

We spent the next two hours working on our war robot. It was a little surprising to find out how seriously the two brothers took it. April said that her brothers were smart but the coding Keith developed was down right genius.

"But doesn't that leave a remainder?" I asked point to one of the formulas Keith had drawn up on the dry erase board.

"Naw, your forgetting about the x and y factor. When you reroute the coefficient you get the product of seventy two. From there all you have to do is take the square root of it and send it back through the formula for a second time." Keith wrote as he explained. I was in aw. It obvious but he'd seen what I never even would have thought about.

"This is incredible." I say.

Keith shrugs. "Numbers are kind of my thing. The only time I get to mess with big problems like this is when we do competitions. All that other stuff they teach in school is child's play."

"How's the the coding coming." Jamal asked walking over to the board.

"Pretty good Aden, helped me work out so kinks but it's all good now. How's the sketching going?" Keith said.

"Still trying to work on a design that provides minimum damage upon impact. Don't want another repeat of last year."

They'd talked about that before. Apparently they'd been pushed into second place because they forgot to factor in how frontal damage would affect functioning capacity.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll figure it out." Keith said. His phone buzzed and he looked down at it. "Sh't I got to take this. I'll be back."

Keith left the room and it was just me and Jamal. I looked back at him but his gaze was intensely focused on the paper under him. Today had been a little strange because once we stared working he seemed pretty well behaved.

"Aden, come look at this and tell me what you think." Jamal said looking up at me.

I stood and walked over to him a little surprised that he'd asked for my opinion.  I looked down at the sketch.

"Looks pretty good to me. The size is a little on the small side for these things but if we can get the speed were we need it that might actually work to our benefit." I say.

"My thought exactly. I think I'll start on the motor tomorrow."

It felt weird because this was the most no threatening conversation we'd ever had.  For the first time Jamal wasn't being a complete jerk. I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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