Ch. 58 Winning the Lottery

Start from the beginning

She nodded.

A nurse came up to me. "Your patient is awake. I'm getting Dr. Thomas, too."

I nodded.

She walked off.

I stood.

A few minutes later, Dr. Thomas came up. He smiled, "Hey. Ready to check our patient?"

I nodded.

We went to the room.

Our patient was laying back. He looked tired and pale, but he wasn't dead and that was a miracle.

"Hello, Mr. Evans. Remember me? I'm Dr. Thomas."

He swallowed and hoarsely spoke, "Yeah, hey, Doc."

I got him a glass of water.

He slowly sat up and took a drink. He looked at me. "Thanks."

I nodded and put it on his little table. "How are you feeling, Mr. Evans?"

"Sore and tired."

"You probably will for a while. Your body has been through quite a bit today," Dr. Thomas spoke.

I felt another hard kick.

I flinched.

Dr. Thomas looked at me. "Dr. Hamilton, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I breathed. "Sorry. I-"

I felt another intense kick.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I need to sit down."

He nodded.

I left the room and sat at the nurses' station. I took a breath. I rubbed my stomach, trying to calm the baby down a bit. "Stop kicking me while I'm at work," I whispered.

It kicked again.

I groaned and put my head back.

"Bridget, are you okay?" Dr. Thomas asked.

"Kid thinks he's a soccer player," I groaned.

"It's a boy?"

I looked up, freezing. "Crap. I hadn't told anyone that."

"Really? Not even your husband?"

"He had to miss the last appointment for work and Dr. Hamilton was administering trial drugs, so I went alone. It slipped my mind, actually."

"What about the nursery? Don't you need a color?"

"Nope. We did it in neutral tones."

He nodded. "You should go home."

I nodded. I wasn't even going to fight him on it. I stood and sighed. "This is going to get worse, right?"

Winning the LotteryWhere stories live. Discover now