Chapter 36: Captured

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The days just seemed to be getting more and more crazy each day, the Predacon now has the ability to transform. With Megatron suddenly deciding to cancel Project Predacon. They set up a trap making the Autobots look as if they destroyed the project. Doing that, an explosion caused by the Autobots created cyber matter. From the mix of CNA and Sythentic energon. Learning that, Megatron ordered the reconstruction of the of The Omega lock. And the search for parts began.

Megatron being very confident in Soundwave's progress in the battle field. Had sent his youngling out with a few soldiers, to retrive the first component. Soundwave hovered high above the objective, waiting for the Eradicons to retrieve the component. Managing to retrive the component, the Eradicons carried out the heavy component. *Finally...* Soundwave sighed being rather impatient. Just their luck, the Autobots came charging through a ground bridge. *Great!* Soundwave quickly deployed Laserbeak to distract the Autobot's, and quickly locked onto positon, sending the Eradicons a groundbridge. Optimus Prime showed no interest in hesitating to attack this time. Quickly taking to the air, with Laserbeak in hot pursuit. Only firing off a few shots Optimus knocked Laserbeak out of the way. Turning his full attention on Soundwave. *Scrap!* Soundwave quickly banked hard Optimus brought out his new cannon, once again firing at Soundwave. Soundwave did his best to evade the shots fired, missing all but one, that hit a soft spot. Sending the youngling crashing down into massive powerlines. Weak from the crash, and paralized from the electricity surging through him, Soundwave attempted to get up. But failed to as he was knocked out from the damage he had received. Laserbeak swooped down for a moment, figuring Soundwave would get back up. Hearing Optimus announce they were taking Soundwave as prisoner, Laserbeak quickly changed course, retreating back to The Nemesis, to inform Megatron of the Autobot's plan.

"Lord Megatron all four soldiers have returned successfully, with the needed component" a trooper reported. "Excelent. Report Soundwave to return to base" Megatron grined. "Lord Megatron. I am not getting a signal through to Soundwave, nor am I getting a response to my attempted message, sent" The Eradicon reported. "What try again!" Megatron snarled, approaching the mech. The soldier tried once, again receiving nothing. "Sir Laserbeak" the Eradicon pointed to the bird hovering behind the warlord. "Where is Soundwave!?" Megatron demanded, turning to the creature. "Bringing back a Decepticon prisoner" Laserbeak played the recording of Optimus Prime. "Soundwave is captured!?" Megatron bellowed, making the beings in the room all visibly jump. "I'm affraid so sir, he sent us a ground bridge, and the thing we saw was Optimus heading to the sky" One of the soldiers from the mission replied. "Ugh of course Optimus chose too take Soundwave. He is the one who stores the most vital imformation of anything Decepticon" Megatron growled. "Lets just hope the Autobot's arn't stupid enough to crack Soundwave open while he's out. But knowing Optimus he will give a fair chance at interrogation." Megatron smirked. "Interrogate the library of Decepticon imformation, who happens to be mute. Pah good luck!" Starscream scoffed, folding his arms. "Soundwave is no mute I assure you!" Megatron hissed at the seeker. "While I've never heard him say a word, his entire life cycle, and niether have the troops" Starscream snorted. "Because when he was a sparkling I told him to never speak to anyone unless you really know them and trust them!" Megatron snapped. "I've known him since he was a sparkling why hasn't he said anything to me?" Strscream whined. Megatron rolled his optics, and leaving the room to go find Shockwave, with Starscream in tow.

*It was Starscream's fault! wait what!?* Soundwave awoke struggling to move. "Because we have the ability to shield our new base. Our captive will be unable to communicate with Decepticon warship" Ratchet announced. *Wow good job... should I give you a hand. Oh wait you have me strapped to a freaking table!* Soundwave turned his helm to the medic. "Nor will the Decepticons be able pin point his location" Optimus added. *Do you think I'm that stupid, I figured that!* Soundwave rolled his optics from behind his mask. "Guess that means we have all the time in the world to make Mr. Personality, tell us everything he knows" Wheeljack Smirked. *Mr. Personality? Sarcasm. Did it come with your insubordinate atittude?* Soundwave observed the team staring at him. "The Cons surveillance chief must know a lot right?" Jack stated. "But Soundwave dosen't speak. Does he?" Miko thought aloud. "I'm not even sure he has a face!" Raf added. *Your human pets are incredibly annoying...* Soundwave rolled his optics from behind his visor. "Oh trust me, Wave has a face. He likes to hide, and pretend he dosen't. You know someone who's affraid to show himself to the world" Wheeljack scoffed to the childeren. "Does he speak?" Miko asked again. "As far as anyone knows, no. Maybe Megatron removed his vocalizer, I'm not sure" Wheeljack shrugged. "Soundwave's so freaky" Miko shivered. *I'm freaky? Fine I'll give you idiots a show!* Soundwave snorted. Then turning his attention to his cousin. Bumblebee did not seem to be giving him any sort of angered glare or emotion, just watched curiously as the interrogation began.

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