Chapter 14: Brutality

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"Wretched little brat!" Starscream growled, jumping up to his peds flicking the spilt energon off of himself.

That comment only won the seeker another zap, and another holler of laghter from the medic.

Starscream was now vibrating with anger. "Knockout are you going to do something, or allow this to continue" Starscream snapped, gesturing to the devious youngling.

Knockout kept his arms folded and rolled his optics. "Oh... don't make me choose screamer" Knockout sighed, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Soundwave smartly started to back Starscream up, by threatening him with the weapon he curently wielded. "Knockout!" Starscream hissed, scowling at Soundwave.

"Soundwave" Knockout sternly called the younglings name, stern enough that the youngling knew to turn the power on the rod off.

Starscream growled and snatched the rod from Soundwave's tentacle, turning it back on and, payback was in order, giving Soundwave a high voltage zap, that he had just recieved moments ago.

Soundwave jolted and jumped back, in literal shock, retracting his now paralized tentacles back into his chassis, as Starscream cackled and continued to back the defenceless youngling up.

"Yeah are you shocked?" Starscream gave an evil smirk, and gave Soundwave another zap, this time the sounds of Soundwave's fuses popping and frying, and circuits short circuiting.

Soundwave stumbled back, almost completely paralized by the amount of unwanted electricity, coursing through his central computer.

"Starscream don't, Soundwave can't take the same kind of voltage we can, you're hurting him" Knockout crooned, jumping over to Soundwaves side, to aid the wounded youngling.

"Pah whatever, whimp!" Starscream scoffed, turning the rod off, and tossing it to the side. "We've got work to do, come on runt" Starscream scoffed, heading on out of the med bay.

"You're cruel Starscream!" Knockout called after the seeker, who waved him off as he left.

"You ok?" Knockout asked returning his attention to the dazed youngling.

"Yep, just rebooting my systems" Soundwave shook off his pain, feeling stable enough for himself to carry on.

"You two are dangerous with eachother, please take it easy for the rest of the day" Knockout, begged the youngling to be more careful around the seeker. "You two are always at eachothers throats" Knockout scoffed, watching Soundwave head towards the exit.

"That's just the relationship we have" Soundwave shrugged, before leaving and catching up with the cruel seeker.

"Did Knockout kiss you better?" Starscream teased, watching Soundwave come up beside him from the corner of his optc.

Soundwave and Starscream were both fed up with eachother already, and the dya had bearly started, the two together created chaos, and Megatron usually never heard the end of it.

*Dumb brat...* Starscream thought to himself, and scowled.

*Femme legged...* Soundwave grumbled to himself, and watched the floor ahead of them.

*Whiney little...*

*Chronic complaining...*



Both cons turned, and scowled at eachother, then quickly looked away from eachother and let out annoyed sighs, continuing to venture throughh the ship, waiting eagerly for the day to end, to get away from eachother.

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