Chapter 8: Let the truth be told

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"Lord Megatron Soundwave is..."

"I know, I know, Starscream, I've got the whole army, and you whining to me, about Soundwave scaring the hell out of you all!" Megatron snarled, Starscream by his side, as he stormed down the hallway that Soundwave was coming down in his jet mode.

"Soundwave!" Megatron growled, as Soundwave came into sight.

*Scrap!* Soundwave not thinking, transformed with out slowing down, and flew into both Megatron and Starscream, knocking both of them a down.

*Ha ha, that was awesome!* Soundwave laughed to himself, while the two he knocked down, groaned in pain and annoyance.

*But I'm in a lot of scrap!* Soundwave winced, as he was grabbed and pulled up by the back of his neck, by familiar large, angry, claws.

"What are you doing, teasing all the soldiers, and flying around the ship like a maniac!?" Megatron snarled, giving Soundwave a small violent shake, as his grip tightened.

*Stop please, I didn't mean to upset you!* Soundwave cried in pain, as he curled up in pain, and tried to use his thin fingures, to paw at the angry warlords arm, that held him up.

"Oh I'm sorry am I hurting you!?" Megatron hissed, with sarcasm dripping off his words.

Soundwave gave a weak nod, and continued to struggle, only the more he struggled the tighter the grip got.

"Then do not annoy the troops, or this will not be the last time pain from me will strike you!" Megatron scolded, releasing Soundwave, watching him fall but land on his peds.

"See master, you're a very good strict father to your youngling..." Starscream started to say to Megatron, before getting a glare from Megatron, and grabbing Soundwave's full attention.

"Oops... I said that infront of him didn't I..." Starscream gave a nervouse but smug smile, watching Soundwave's body language turn from apologetic, to angry and confused.

*Come again!?* Soundwave thought, while rubbing the back of his neck, staring at Megatron, who looked frustrated with guilt, and annoyance.

"Strict father to your youngling?" Soundwave replayed the recording of Starscream, and stared at Megatron and Starscream, very confused at why that was said.

"Geuss you'll have to tell him now, lord Megatron" Starscream smugly retorted, shooting Soundwave an evil smile.

*Tell me what?*

"Starscream shut up!" Megatron hissed, at Starscream, who couldn't help but snicker at the warlords current situation.

*Fragging lunatics...* Soundwave shook his helm, berore turning and walking away from the arguing older mechs.

"I'm shutting up, I'm shutting up, sorry!" Starscream cackled, trying to calm himself down, meanwhile an angry fire grew within the warlord.

"Soundwave, you are my..." Megatron took a deep breath, and finally brought his attention away from the idiot seeker, but when he looked at the spot where Soundwave was, the spy was no where in site.

"Where the hell did he go!?" Starscream gasped as his laughter disappeared.

Megatron growled and swung his arm at Starscream, recieving a sgriek from the seeker, as he stormed down the hallway in the direction Soundwave left.


*Scrap, come on I apologized, what more does he want, my blood...* Soundwave sighed seeing the warlord coming for him, but this time without Starscream.

Megatron as he approached, could feel Soundwave's panick begin to build, through the bond they shared, Megatron knew Soundwave was aware of many things, but the spark bond he shared was something he was very unaware of.

"There is no need for panick youngling" Megatron told Soundwave, in the softest tone the spy has ever heard him speak.

*Ooook, something is seriously malfunctioning within you...* Soundwave was confused, Megatron had never adressed him as youngling before.

"Trust me Soundwave, I assure you, I am far from malfunctioning" Megatron smirked, at the shocked reaction Soundwave gave him, when he replied to the sarcastic remark Soundwave thought.

*How did you... did someone put a mind reading chip in your head?* Soundwave remarked, tilting his helm at the towering warlord.

"No mind reading chip Soundwave" Megatron sneered, looking down at the confused spy.

*What the frag... how the hell can you hear me then!?* Soundwave questioned, starting to freak out, wondering if Megatron could hear his previous thoughts he had.

"I can hear you, because you are speaking through your spark bond, not to yourself" Megatron sighed, shaking his helm at his confused youngling.

*Bond... the hell is a spark bond?* Soundwave pondered, gazing at the ground for an answer.

"A spark bond is something your spark connects and bonds too, like a sparkmate, or a sibbling, or your own sparkling" Megatron explained, hoping that the imformation he was giving was a good enough hint for Soundwave.

*So why do I have a bond with you?* Soundwave looked up from the ground, and gazed at Megatron, wondering what the warlord was getting at.

"Soundwave... quite a while ago... I met a femme and well... I loved her, and she loved me, so she became my sparkmate... as the war begun, we fought together to conquer the planet, and she was very devoted to me as I was to her, and well..." Megatron sighed, as his emotions mixed within him.

Soundwave silently listened to what his master had to say to him, as he usually would to the mechs who ranted to him, but this time, Soundwave had mixed feelings.

"She got critically injured, when our base came under attack, and before she offlined she had you..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, ok hold on!" Soundwave spoke, waving his servos at the warlord, getting a shocked look from the leader.

"So you're telling me, you met some femme, loved her, and during your conquest she had me, and now you're trying to tell me, what I think you're trying to tell me!?" Soundwave spoke to the warlord with anguish.

"Yes Soundwave, you are my youngling, you are the nephew of Optimus Prime, a cousin to the primes youngling, that scout" Megatron nodded with a sigh, knowing Soundwave was going to be quite upset with him, for hiding all of this.

"This is insane, why, why would you keep this from me for so long!?" Soundwave cried out in anger, as he started to pace around.

"I didn't have time to look after you, and I did not know how, I tried to take care of you, but Knockout saw me struggle to care for you, and he volunteered to help out, and so he ended up taking care of you almost constantly, and I was practically taken out of your life cycle... and now that you're a little older..."

"You want me back in your life?" Soundwave scoffed crossing his arms, and looking away from his creator.

"Yes, Soundwave I know I upset you, and I was wrong to just give you away, I should have tried harder, I will try I'll try and make it up to you!" Megatron apologized, almost begging the spy.

"Why, I'm just some emotionless drone to you, a highly acomplished slave!" Soundwave hissed, making Megatron frown, knowing Soundwave was correct.

"I know I see you as that most of the time, but I want to change that ok?" Megatron now begged for Soundwave's forgiveness.

"...Fine... but if I don't like it, we go back to the way we were, you an asshole, me your emotionless slave!" Soundwave growled turning away from Megatron.

"Alright, fine" Megatron sighed in agreement.

Soundwave's life on the NemesisWhere stories live. Discover now