Chapter 19: Seeker vs Spy

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"How are you feeling?" Knockout asked. Examining the youngling sitting on the medical berth. "Like Megatron dropped me on my head, I'm so sore!" Soundwave whined. Holding his helm and swinging his peds. "What the frag happened yesterday!?" Soundwave asked. Still holding his helm. "Hey watch it!" Knockout warned. "You swear like a drunk Eradicon!" Soundwave growled. "Anyway!" Knockout hissed. Megatron did drop you on your head, you're right about that" Knockout smirked. "Then you flooded one of the hallways, and deemed yourself Bubblewave" Knockout rested his elbow in his servo and smiled. "Then Megatron made you clean everything up" Knockout finished explaining.

"I am fragged in the head" Soundwave shook his helm in disbelief. "You were" Knockout corrected. "Shut up..." Soundwave rolled his optics. Hopping off the berth. "Where do you think you're going?" Knockout retorted. "Work?" Soundwave shrugged. "You think you can manage?" Knockout raised an optic ridge. "Yeah, I'll be fine" Soundwave waved off the medic. "Take a rest when you need to" Knockout reminded. "Oh and definitely avoid any fighting with Starscream please" The medic begged with a sigh. Soundwave rolled his optics from behind his mask. "Have a good day Bubblewave!" Knockout teased. Soundwave face palmed as he left the med bay.

As Soundwave silently walked towards the bridge. He met up with his favorite seeker. "Feeling better sparkling?" Starscream didn't waste time to throw an insult. *I'll show you how good I feel!* Soundwave threatened. The two both entered the bridge at the same time. As soon as Soundwave entered, he was swarmed by concerned Eradicon soldiers. Starscream got stampeded straight off the catwalk, onto the second level.

"Hey Soundwave are you ok?"

"Your wounds are healing nicely!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Great job with flooding the hall, that was funny!"

Soundwave was overwhelmed. By the sudden burst of attention, he was recieving from the Eradicons. Soundwave held up his servos and backed away a few steps.

*The hell...* Soundwave thought. As all the Eradicons stared at him, as if waiting for him to answer. Soundwave thought for a moment. *Ok what do I have to do to get these whackos out of my way?* Soundwave then blipped a happy face up on his visor, giving a thumbs up. "Aw that's great!" The Eradicons cheered.

Starscream growled as he aggressively stomped over to the crowd. "What is this, did lord Megatron enter the room!?" Starscream retorted. "Get back to your posts!" Starscream hissed. Waving his claws in anger. The Eradicons fleed back to there monitors. /What an aft!/ Soundwave texted to the Eradicons, receiving a roar of laughter from the soldiers. "What's so funny!?" Starscream growled. "Get back to work!" Starscream scowled.

"Stupid idiots..." Starscream grumbled to himself. As the seeker walked towards the front of the bridge, Soundwave slithered out infront of the seekers path. Starscream yelped, as he once again, fell off the platform, onto the bottom floor. The Eradicons all broke into laughter. Starscream fumming with rage, shot up to his peds. Climbing back onto the main platform, where Soundwave was retracting the tripping tentacle back into his chassis. "You seem to be feeling a lot better youngling!" Starscream hissed pointing a claw, as he approached the violet youngling.

"You better enjoy it well it lasts!" Starscream snarled, tackling Soundwave down onto the second floor. The Eradicons gasped, as Soundwave lay there for a brief moment. Soundwave was definitely not in any shape to be fighting. Especially after that drop onto the second floor. Landing hard on his back, it knocked this senses out of him for a brief moment, before remembering he was being attacked.

Soundwave quickly kicked Starscream off of him. Starscream stumbled back and growled as Soundwave pinned him. "Oh, is the sparkling is actually putting up a fight?" Starscream smirked. Digging his claws into both sides of the youngling. Soundwave took his long arm, and pushed down on Starscream's wrists. Which probably wasnt to good of an idea, since Starscream's claws scraped along his sides until they were off. Drawing energon easily. Starscream pushed the light weight youngling off onto the floor to the side of him, and smirked getting up. But Soundwave wasnt finished. A little dazed and stinging with pain, Soundwave tackled the standing seeker, and sent them tumbling in a wrestling ball.

Just in time for Megatron to see as he entered the room. All Eradicons went dead still, when the warlords shadow casted into the room. It didn't take him long to see the two brawling on the floor. Energon leaking everywhere. Megatron rolled his optics, as he walked down the catwalk, towards the two fighting. Soundwave was holding his own by drawing hard punches into the seeker who clawed at him. Soundwave was doing good until Starscream got smart and returned a hard punch back. Hitting the youngling straight in the visor, cracking it. *That's it!* Soundwave started punching harder, wishing he had claws so he could rip the seeker apart. Soundwave was about to get clawed in the chest, when two large servos came under his arms. Lifting him up high, Soundwave kicked and thrashed trying to reach for the evil seeker. But quickly stopped when he rested his arms, wrapping his spindly fingers around a familiar massive claw. Soundwave looked up to see his fathers very unimpressed scowl looking at him.

"Knockout report to my office, immediately!" Megatron roared over his commlink. Megatron then put Soundwave in under his arm like a football. And shot an intense glare of rage at Starscream who cowered. "The same goes for you!" Megatron snarled. He didn't have to tell him twice.

As all cons were in the office, Starscream sitting infront of the desk beside Soundwave. Who was getting repaired by Knockout. "Look the Autobot's stress me out enough" Megatron calmly spoke. "And you two are driving me to insanity!" Megatron snarled, slamming a fist onto his desk. Making both Soundwave and Starscream jump in their seats.

"Well it's not my fualt, an insubordinate little youngling gets in my way, why is he even aloud to control thing on this ship!?" Starscream complained, folding his arms.

"You want to know why?" Megaron retorted. "Because he's smarter then you, you fragging idiot!" Megatron threw his arms up. "You two could get along!" Knockout cut in. "But no you two have to act as if we should put you in seperate galaxies!" Knockout scolded. Soundwave yelped, and winced, as knockout pressed a cloth against the new deep scares. "Big sparkling!" Starscream snorted, roling his optics at Soundwave. Soundwave responded to the comment, by punching the seeker hard in the stomach. "Ow you little!" Starscream hissed in pain. About to attack the youngling. "Soundwave come here!" Megatron snarled, grabbing another chair and slamming it beside him. Soundwave sighed, and went to sit beside the warlord. Knockout followed Soundwave, while trying to examine his wounds. Megatron continued to lecture Starscream, on what needs to stop.

Meanwhile Soundwave was being difficult for the medic. Everytime the medic tried to look at the fresh slashes, Soundwave would cover them up, or turn away in his chair. "Soundwave!" Knockout growled, starting to get annoyed with the youngling. Soundwave just ignored, the annoyed growl, and continued to fuss. "Lord Megatron can you please" Knockout sighed, motioning for the warlord to pick the youngling up, so he couldn't move. Megatron rolled his optics, and easily picked up the youngling. Soundwave then focused his attention on the servos holding him up. Soundwave squirmed, and tried to pull at the massive claws trying loosen their grip. Megatron just continued to speak, as Soundwave struggled. Clearly showing the youngling that he wasnt fazing him.

Starscream watched the Comunications Chief squirm, in awe. Starscream couldn't believe how much of a youngling personality Soundwave had. Just how old was the spy?

Knockout could see delicate wiring in the scares. Knowing if Starscream went any deeper, he could of offlined the youngling. "Hmm I'm going to have to weld these" Knockout announced, pointing to the slashes on the younglings side. Megatron obliged placing the youngling back down. Knockout went to his medical kit and pulled out a welder. "So Starscream this is going to stop right!?" Megatron hissed, raising an optic ridge. Starscream's attention was on the youngling, but he did hear what his master said. "Yes lord Megatron, of course" Starscream agreed, with no smirk or sigh. Knockout finished welding. "There you're free to go" Knockout sighed happily. "Good, you two can go back to your work now" Megatron waved them off. "And no fighting!" Megatron and Knockout reminded, as the two walked out of the office, Soundwave being the first one out. Starscream nodded at the warlord and medic, before leaving.

As the seeker walked down the hallway beside the youngling. Soundwave noticed the seeker was unusually calm and quiet, as if thinking hard about something. Then came a question. "Soundwave?" Starscream said. Soundwave turned his helm to look at the seeker. "Um, how old are you?" Starscream asked, turning his helm seeing optics to visor. Soundwave quickly turned his helm away at that question. Revealing his age to the seeker, would most likely result in the seeker teasing him even more. But Starscream was second in comand, and if he asked a question, Soundwave had to obey and answer. Soundwave scanned the seeker, and read that seeker was not intending to be rude, he was just honestly curious.

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