Chapter 18: Bubblewave

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"Can I recharge now?" Soundwave asked, in a very tired tone. Keeping his gaze on the floor, as a few more tears shed.

"Sorry, Soundwave" Megatron shook his helm no. "I was advised not to allow you, until you can walk on your own" Megatron informed the sleepy youngling.

Soundwave groaned. part of his logic was coming back to him. He was able to compute conversation. Though half his vocabulary was missing. It was just his motor functions he had a hard time rebooting. His systems were currently still trying to mend, so Soundwave gave up. And tried Standing on his wobbly peds. Soundwave walked slowly and tiredly, like a terocon. As he followed Megatron to the exit of the room. "Just take your time" Megatron coached. As they walked down the hallway to the rec room. Where the energon was. And soldiers off on break or off duty hung out. Soundwave stopped before the rec room. He remembered he took his mask off and did not place it back on.

Soundwave began to panick. Anxiety filled him quickly as he trembled. Stumbling backwards into the wall behind them. "Soundwave whats the matter?" Megatron asked. Quickly going to aid the youngling. "I don't have my visor!" Soundwave gasped. "So what, show off those unique optics" Megatron scoffed. "No can't!" Soundwave shook his helm frantically, making him dizzy. "Soundwave" Megatron tried to calm. "Please go back!" Soundwave cried. Soundwave was so insecure without his mask. he felt evem more insecure that he was talking like a stupid sparkling. If any of the soldiers, or Starscream. Heard him speak, or saw him. He would never hear the end of their insults.

Watching more tears roll down. Megatron knew that Soundwave was not acting like himself. He was acting more like a terrified sparkling. The warlord gave a comforting smile. "Ok" Megatron cooed. "We'll go back" Megatron said, in the most calmest voice he's ever made.

He promptly picked Soundwave up, and set him back on his peds. Soundwave was to frustrated and exhuasted, to even think about walking. His motors churned as his systems were to stressed. Still holding onto Soundwave. Megatron could feel all the younglings weight in his servos. Soundwave was limp. To exhuasted to gather all the motors in his sytems.

"Yes my lord?" Knockout's annoyed sigh, came over the commlink of his master. "I need your advice" Megatron said. "On what?" Knockout asked. "Soundwave, you idiot!" the warlord roared. "What else would I be talking about?" Megatron snarled. "Oh ok!" Knockout gasped. "What seems to be wrong?" the medic asked nervously. "He keeps crying and he wont stop!" Megatron complained. Still holding, the sobbing Soundwave out infront of him. "Well my lord, as I presumed" Knockout sighed. "Soundwave will act like a sparkling" Knockout reminded with a smirk. "Soundwave isn't all there right now" the sassy medic continued. "He's in a lot of pain, and is extremly tired, so he's going to put on a show" Knockout snickered. "Can't I just let him recharge!?" Megatron bellowed, at the snickering medic. "Is he walking around?" Knockout asked. "He stumbles around quite well" Megatron smirked. "Oook, no" Knockout replied, ending the call.

"Knockout!" Megatron hissed. "Yes?" Knockout gave another annoyed sigh. "How do I get him to stop crying!?" the warlords frustrated voice growled. "Figure it out!" Knockout hissed, slapping himself. "You're his father, it will come natrually!" Knockout retorted. Again the medic hung up on the warlord. "Well I can't just tell you to shut up..." Megatron thought aloud. "Yet again you are silent when crying anyway" Megatron continued. As he pulled Soundwave into him unknowingly. Megatron continued to babble on to himself, looking else where as he spoke to himself.

Soundwave natrually, burrowed his helm into his fathers Decepticon crest. The warmth from his fathers massive spark, soothing him. His tears dried quickly, as the quiet hum of the spark lulled him. Megatron's optics widened in surprise to the sudden feeling of warmth in his spark. He felt his younglings nerves calming. As he hefted the smaller bot into a more comfortable position. Soundwave shifted. Quickly adjusting himself to the new position. The small youngling purred, as he engulfed the warmth and comfort from the spark.

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