Chapter 5: Starscream vs Bridges

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"Well this is pointless, yes it's a mine, and yet again the Autobots are to stupid to find it" Starscream sighed, walking through and examining, the empty soon to be energon mine.

*I could kill you right now, just take you down, never to hear your whiney monologuing again!* Soundwave hissed, watching Starscream's every move, from where he stood still in the middle of the mine.

"Well don't just stand there being useless!" Starscream growled kicking a rock at Soundwave, who snapped out of his thought's as the rock bounced off his ped.

"Come on you uncharismatic bore, make a fraging bridge for the miners!" Starscream viciously ordered Soundwave, as the faceless mech turned around to see the seeker.

Soundwave silently turned his helm to Starscream, and gave a slight annoyed head tilt, who would never be able to read his body language, Soundwave quickly opened a bridge releasing a large crew of eradicon minors into the mine.

"Take long enough Soundwave, primus, and you, you all know what to do..."

*Uncharismatic bore my aft...* Soundwave grumbled, analyzing to position, two ground bridges.

"Don't be useless put more effort into... aaaaaaah!" Starscream screamed, as he disappeared into a groundbridge that appeared under his peds, soon to be flying through another bridge from directly above.

The eradicon miners stopped their minning, and turned their attention to the seeker flying through the bridges, enjoying the show, after getting yelled at by the seeker.

"SOUNDWAVE STOP IT, THIS INSTANT!" Starscream cried through gasps, as his speed through the bridges grew.

Soundwave the waited a few moments, before waiting for Starscream to fly through the bottom bridge, as soon as that happened, Soundwave removed the bottom, causing Starscream to hit the ground with a large thud and a cloud of dust.

"S...Sound...wave... I'm going to fragging murder you!" Starscream growled, jumping to his peds, charging going after Soundwave.

Soundwave visibly jumped and quickly made a bridge apear infront of him, making the charging seeker charge through it.


"Starscream what are you doing!?" Megatron hissed viciously, after being tackled to the ground by the grey seeker.

"Huh!?" Starscream quickly got a glimps of where he was, before Megatron threw him off into a wall.

"You dare throw me to the ground unnecessarily, are you looking for a fight?!" Megatron threatened, standing over Starscream's confused form.

"No lord Megatron of course not, Soundwave did this, he was not doing his job, he was fooling around, I told him to stop and he threw me into you..." Starscream said, as Soundwave came around the corner into the corridor.

"What does Soundwave have to do with your idiocy, I do not see him here!?" Megatron snapped interupting the seekers excueses, completely oblivious to the faceless mech behind him.

*Oops wrong way!* Soundwave quickly pivited around, and quickly made his way back the way he came.

"There he is lord Megatron!" Starscream cried out, pointing behind him at the now running spy.

"Soundwave!" Megatron sharply snapped, stopping the faceless mech in his tracks.

*Fuuuuuuu...* Soundwave slumped over and dropped his helm, and slowly turned around, taking a couple steps towards the warlord.

"Inform me of why Starscream's yarns seem to keep blaming you?" Megatron sighed with annoyance getting tired of dealing with Starscream's whining, and Soundwave's troublemaking.

Soundwave stared at Megatron for a few moments without a response, before finally showing him a video of the incident with Starscream and the bridges.

"Soundwave..." Megatron sighed shaking his helm, inside he was laughing but on the outside, Starscream had the right to whine and complain.

"See I told you it wasn't me, stupid youngling!" Sarscream hissed picking himself up off the floor.

*That's it!* Soundwave lunged at Starscream, tackling the seeker back into the wall.

"Woah what is going on out here!?" Knockout asked as he came out of his med bay to see the two on the floor fighting, and Megatron standing there with his annoyance growing.

"Altight that's enough!" Megatron snarled pulling Soundwave off of Starscream.

"I'll get you, you stupid youngling!" Starscream hissed aiming his missile at Soundwave.

Soundwave quickly jumped and hid behind Knockout for cover, Knockout then quickly reacted at Starscream aiming at him, he waved his servos and shook his helm at Starscream.

*Yeah like you could actually hit me, you couldn't hit oxygen if you could see it!* Soundwave hissed giving Starscream the fingure.

"Don't even try Starscream!" Megatron hissed, lowering Starscream's arm.

"I think Soundwave should be punished for his insubordinate behaviour, lord Megatron, who knows what youngling sarcasm, and thoughts he's pondering!" Starscream whined, getting up to his peds and brushing himself off.

"I will decide on that Starscream, stop your whining, and go back to your job, and go deal with the troops!" Megatron snarled pointing Starscream down the corridor.

"Yes lord Megatron!" Starscream yelped, running down the large echoed hall and out of site.

*Ha ha ha, run bitch!* Soundwave laughed watching Starscream run down the hall.

"As for you Soundwave!" Megatron turned to face the youngest member ofthe Decepticons.

Soundwave tensed and cowered, waiting for Megatron to scream his punishment at him.

"Next time make sure I'm there to see the show!" Megatron patted Soundwave's helm, before snickering while walking away.

Soundwave sighed with relief, and relaxed as Megatron disappeared around the corner.

"Hey Soundy, make sure you save a seat for me next time as well" Knockout chuckled to Soundwave, after Megatron left.

Soundwave gave a small quiet laugh, as he turned around and nodded at the medic.

"I can't believe you actually pulled that off, that's hysterical, taught you well didn't I?" Knockout continued to chuckle, playfully elbowing Soundwave before chuckling back into his med bay.

Soundwave internally smiled, as he watched the one mech who raised from a sparkling, on the Nemesis, to the youngling he is today, walk back into the med bay.

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