Chapter 17: Fatherly concussion

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" so... shiney" Soundwave slurred to the warlord carrying him. "we're almost there" Megatron nervously replied, walking faster.

Knockout was just finishing a report, when the doors hissed open, and familiar heavy footsteps of a warlord came. "Knockout!" Megatron growled. Storming in, placing the dazed youngling on the medical berth. Rushing over. "What in the pits happened?" Knockout asked, examining Soundwave's half conscious frame. "We were playing" Megatron stated. "I hung him upside down..." Knockout patiently waited for his master to answer. "And I dropped him on his head..." Megatron mumbled with look of guilt.

"What!" Knockout bellowed. "It was Starscream's fault!" Megatron scoffed. Crossing his arms. "How high up did you drop him from?" Knockout sighed face palming. "His head was at mine" Knockout gasped. "That's an twenty one foot drop on you noggin!" Knockout put his servo on his helm and stared at Soundwave. "How do you get twenty one?" Megatron mumbled off subject. "You're thirty five feet, he's fourteen!" Knockout retorted. "Hmm, you're smarter then I thought" Megatron pondered. Knockout sighed "Yes my liege" "You have to have some logic to become a medic" Rolling his optics. "Lets just hope Soundwave still does when I fix him up" Knockout grumbled. Scanning Soundwave, Knockout quickly found what the problem was.

"My lord" Knockout called, getting the warlords attention. "You seemed to have jarred loose quite a few logical and motor circuits" Knockout read his scans. "In his fragile processor!" Knockout snapped. He was furious with Megatron, how could he be so careless. "It wasn't on purpose!" Megatron hissed. both mechs equally getting furious. "Hey... hey..." Soundwave warbled. Grabbing the two mechs attention, berore arguing further. "Shut up..." Soundwave sleepily said. "Tell me to shut up!" Megatron snarled as Soundwave giggled. "See what you did?" Knockout sighed. Scowling at the gunmetal giant.

"Well shut up, and fix him!" Megatron roared. Swinging an arm at the medic. Knockout swiftly dodged and grumbled. "I can't fix him, it will auto repair!" Knockout hissed, waving a digit at his liege. "What, how long will that take?!" Megatron viciously snapped. "Hmm, fragile youngling processor, sixteen foot drop onto his head..." Knockout sarcastically pondered. "Knockout, without the sarscasm" Megatron rolled his optics.

"I estimate, you are going to have to do some hand holding for a while" Knockout sneered. "His motor mechanisms should be running on low right now" Knockout said looking over at the youngling. "So he'll stumble through the halls, like a drunk Eradicon on cheap high grade" Knockout snickered. "Anything else..." Megatron lowly growled. The gunmetal mech was completely unamused at the medics humour. "Oh his logic will be quite, um well" Knockout tried to collect the right discription. "He will be completely out of his character" Knockout stated."Well you knocked his systems really good" Knockout nervously smiled. "And Soundwave will most likely behave like three year old sparkling, that constantly gets into trouble, possibly I'm not positive on that one" the medic shrugged with a smirk. "Peachy..." Megtron grumbled. "How is the warship supposed to function, if Soundwave's out of it!?" Megatron snarled.

"Get off your lazy aft, do it yourself..." Knockout mumbled to himself. "What was that!?" Megatron roared. "Starscream and I will do our best my liege!" Knockout reassured, with a fake smile. "Very well then..." Megatron grumbled. Not completely happy with leaving those two in charge of the warship.

"Come on you" Megatron sighed, coaxing Soundwave off the berth. "Look at all the seagulls" Soundwave giggled. "What the frag is a seagull?" Soundwave chirped, laughing at himself. "Oh this will be a joy..." Megatron retorted. As Soundwave just sat on the berth, pointing at the ceiling. "Oh and he will be really sleepy, it's important not to let him" Knockout advised. "For how long do I have to keep this youngling up!?" Megatron whined. "Well until his motor functions, are functional enough for him to walk" Knockout replied. "Frag..." Megatron sighed. Getting tired of watching Soundwave observe the ceiling. Megatron promptly picked up his youngling, and carried him back to his quarters. "Good luck" Knockout snickered before returning to his work.

"Ok now sit there and stay awake" Megatron ordered. Sitting his youngling on his berth. Soundwave tipped over onto his side and layed there. "No, no!" Megatron shook his helm. "You have to stay awake" Megatron sat youngling back up. "I'm tired, like the rainbow..." Soundwave whined falling over again. Megatron raised an optic ridge. Confused at what the frag Soundwave was speaking about. Sitting Soundwave back up, and holding him place. Megatron tried to think of something to wake the youngling. "Energon" Megatron thought aloud. "Yeah I'll go grab you some energon!" the warlord announced. letting go of Soundwave, as he turned to leave.

"Wait..." Megatron stopped. As Soundwave fell back over. "I can't leave you here alone" Megatron sighed. walking back over to the sleepy youngling. Megatron picked him up with ease. Trying to find a comfortable way to hold Soundwave, without dropping the smaller bot. "I'll use my these..." Soundwave said. pointing down at his peds, as Megatron held him out. "Alright" Megatron happily obliged. Placing the wobbly youngling down. Megatron turned around walking towards the exit figuring Soundwave was recovering fast.

Soundwave was starting to recollect his mind. But was making slow progress with movement. He stumbled, and staggered, the entire room was spinning, Before finally he tripped over his own ped.


Soundwave had stumbled into the warlords desk. Managing to get every pile of data pads on the floor. Megatron's optics glowed furiously. Burning with rage angry at the mess Soundwave made. "Look what you did idiot!" Megatron pointed at the datapads covering Soundwave and the floor. "Dammit Soundwave!" Megatron cursed getting overly upset. Soundwave cowered as the warlord yelled at him. The youngling was frightened by the yelling. "I didn't mean to" Soundwave whimpered apologetically. Tiredly gathering up the data pads. "Whatever!" Megatron growled, and picked armload of data pads and dropped them back on his desk.

Soundwave felt stupid and really unwanted by the warlord. Soundwave continued to slowly pick up the data pads. cautiously watching Megatron's violent erratic movment. "Soundwave you are too damn slow!" Megatron snapped. Snatching the data pads from his terrified youngling. Almost in tears, Soundwave apologized. "Sorry..." Soundwave whispered, as his optics teared up. He weakly picked up another data pad. As a a few tears fell from his optics, and pooled at the bottom of his visor. He silently cried, while placing the data pads back where they belonged.

Megatron sense he was frightening his youngling. And read through the waves of emotion sent through his bond. That his youngling was crying, because he was terrifying the violet youngling. Megatron sighed. "Soundwave take off your visor" Megatron sternly ordered. Soundwave jumped at the warlords voice, and quickly did as he was told. Releasing the visor, his tears drained. Megatron watched, as more tears shed from those unique optics.

Soundwave closed his optics, and turned away from the gunmetal giant. Then suddenly jumping from the feeling of a claw wiping away his tears. "I'm sorry" Megatron apologized. Taking the data pads from Soundwave. And placing them back on the floor. "I did not mean to yell at you" Soundwave continued to look away, gazing at the floor as even more tears fell. "You are still concussed, I shouldn't have done that" Megatron continued to apologize.

"K..." Soundwave was ashamed. did he really just cry? He never cried. Not for anything. Even if it involved pain. Clearly his relationship with his father, brought out a more emotional side to him. A side he had never discovered.

This was definitely new to Megatron. Quite shocked to be honest. Megatron thought Soundwave was an emotionless drone, like the rest of the army thought. He had never have dreamed of seeing the day Soundwave would break down and cry. Soundwave did have emotions just like the rest of them.

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