Chapter 10: No fun what so ever

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Back in the bridge, multiple lights and alarms were going off, alerting of an attack.

"Lord Megatron, the Autobots are seizing our newly found energon mine!" And Eradicon soldier announced from his computer.

"Ugh, Starscream, stop them immediately, we can not alow them to take the energon!" Megatron roared, turning to his second in command.

"Yes lord Megatron, Soundwave, we require a ground bridge" Starscream ordered, looking to see Soundwave was no where in sight.

"Soundwave!?" Starcream called out, to get no such reply from the spy. "Where is he?" Starscream questioned putting his servos on his hips.

"Soundwave, set a ground bridge for the new mine immediately!" Megatron rolled his optics at the seeker, ordering Soundwave over the commlink.

Soundwave visibly jumped at the sound of Megatron's growling unexpected voice, ordering him to create a bridge, Soundwave quickly locked onto thier position, setting a bridge for the mine under attack.

*What's the sudden ergenc for a ground bridge?* Soundwave asked Megatron through their bond, as he continued his way down the hallway.

"Those damn Autobot's are attacking our new found mine" Megatron scoffed, leaving the bridge, into the hallway where he ran into Soundwave.

"Can I assist in attacking?" Soundwave eagerly asked, looking up at the gunmetal grey mech.

"No, you stay here" Megatron denied the question, shaking his helm at the youngling.

"Why do I always have to stay on the ship?" Soundwave grumbled looking to the ground.

"You went with Starscream to the mine, remember you sent him through bridges" Megatron reminded, as he started to lead his youngling down the hallway.

"What a thrill that was..." Soundwave would have rolled his optics at the warlord.

"Oh Soundwave don't complain, you're on a break, enjoy it" Megatron replied with a snicker.

"I'm bored out of my processer Megatron, please give me some work!" Soundwave complained, throwing his arms up in frustration.

Megatron sighed, rolling his optics, and shaking his helm at his complaining youngling, if there was one thing Megatron knew about his son was, that you always had to keep Soundwave occupied, or else he would drive you crazy, with questions, or just constantly stand blankly not knowing what to do with himself.

"Go play with one of the eradicons" Megatron suggested gesturing to the Eradicon soldiers they passed by.

The two Eradicons standing in the hallway, each threw their helm back in annoyance and refusal.

Soundwave lowered his helm sadly, and looked away from the two soldiers, as him and Megatron passed by, Soundwave felt hated, knowing none of the beings aboard, except for Knockout, and apparently Megatron, liked him, or cared to give him the time of day, but Soundwave knew that was partially his fault, he was too shy, and also hated showing emotion, making him socially awkward, the other half of the fault would be blamed on Starscream, for spreading terrible rumours about him.

Megatron could feel the depression filling his sons core, through their bond they shared "You ok?" Megatron asked, with his rare concern lingering in his tone.

Megatron's concerned questioned knocked him out of his thoughts. "Hmm?" Soundwave lifted his helm and turned his gaze to the towering warlord.

"Something troubling you?" Megatron repeated his concern, as he was unable to read what was on the luminescent glowing younglings mind.

Soundwave took his time on processing the question given to him, before looking back to the grey scuffed floor, and giving a very small, almost unoticed head shake.

"I'm... just... whatever..." Soundwave sighed, retreating to his own headquarters, leaving his concerned father, to continue down the corridor.

Megatron entered Knockout's medbay, and groaned in annoyance, annoyed at himself for the lack of help he provides for his own youngling.

"How can I assist you my liege?" Knockout, greeted seeing his leader was frustrated with something.

"Tell me, dear doctor, how in the pits did you deal with Soundwave's lack of emotion?" Megatron growled in reply to the medics question.

"Hmm, he's always been a quite emotionless, I just think Soundwave has never had a reason to show emotion" Knockout shrugged, sterilizing some of his equipment.

"That's a reasonable assumption... any addvice on how to cure such emotionless behaviour?" Megatron sighed, leaning against a medical berth.

"I suggest socializing him with other..."

"How am I supposed to get him to socialize with others, when he dosen't speak to them!" Megatron hissed, interupting the maroon medic, as he flailed his arms.

"Get him to speak through texts or tell him to buck up and start speaking, and another suggestion, is to spend time with him get him to open up" Knockout said, as he ignored the aggressive interuption and continued on.

"How much time..." Megatron lowly growled, as he asked the question a giant grin grew on the medics faceplates.

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