Chapter 16: Knockout!

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Soon it became morning, then morning became the afternoon. And that's when the alert sounded.

Soundwave jolted awake, shooting up, sitting up straight on the berth. "Ah!" Soundwave hissed in pain, remembering the wounds on his stomach, he over recharged. Half the day was gone, and he hadn't worked a single hour yet!

He looked around his enviroment, and saw that he was not in his own chambers. But in the warlords, himself.

"Scrap, I am so offlined!" Soundwave thought aloud, as he scurried to the exit. Only to have Megatron enter and stop him in his tracks. "You're awake..." Megatron started. But was quickly interupted by a panicky youngling. "Sorry I didn't mean to fall into recharge last night, I'm sorry for being late to work, I'll get straight to work!" Soundwave frantically apologized to the warlord, who only chuckled at him.

"Calm yourself youngling, I granted you they day off" Megatron reassured the youngling. "it seemed that you needed the extra recharge" the warlord continued, sensing his sons still exhuasted systems.

"No no, I'm fine" Soundwave protested. "I'll go do calibrations, and stuff" Soundwave said trying to walk out the door, before being stopped by a massive servo.

"Soundwave you need rest, lay back down" It was not a suggestion, it was an order. Soundwave hesitantly did as he was told, and layed back down on the large berth. "I am spending most of my time in here anyway" Megatron scoffed as he sat at his desk reading his many reports.

Soundwave rolled his optics and groaned. Staring at the grey, cracked, ceiling. "Really you two, a broken door control!?" Megatron complained. Reading the report of Starscream, and Soundwave's latest skirmish.

"It wasn't me!" Soundwave quickly defended. "It was femme legs and his claws!" Soundwave pointed out, before all blame was put on him.

"Mhmm..." Megatron raised an unamused optic ridge. Soundwave nervously smiled, from behind his mask. Knowing he was partially to blame, since he was the one who locked the seeker out. "I know I'm not a prime example for this, but" Megatron sighed, twisting his body to face the youngling. "Would it kill you two, too channel your agression towards eachother?" Megatron, looking down at the many complaints on his desk, grumbled.

"I'm sorry sometimes I can't help it" Soundwave chuckled, laying on his side supporting his weight with his arm. "Yes, immaturity takes over your systems quite easy" Megatron jokingly scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "Yes..." Soundwave sighed. "And I apologize for last nights behaviour too..." Soundwave apologized, fidgeting with his servos.

"Apologize why?" Megatron was confused, at such a random apology. "For being immature?" Soundwave repeated. why was Megatron questioning his apology? "Why would you apologize for that?" Megatron questioned. "It was simply just playful, youngling, behaviour" Megatron shrugged, going back to his reports.

Sitting up Soundwave replied. "But you said to Knockout, you didn't wan't me to behave like that?" Megatron froze with stylus in his digits. Megatron sighed. "You heard me say that..." Soundwave sadly nodded in acknowledgment. frowning and gazing to the floor, from behind his mask.

"Soundwave, I did not mean it..." Megatron started. "Sure sounded like you did" Soundwave caught Megatron in a lie. "Well, I regret saying it" Megatron growled at himself. "I enjoy you being the youngling you should be" Megatron threw his arms up. "The way you laugh, smile, and play" the warlord listed calming his tone. "It's just, nice to be able to bond like that" The warlord sighed. "A natural function of a youngling" Megatron carried on. "And I see that now" the gunmetal grey mech kept his gaze on his desk, before looking up at his youngling with a smile.

"Really?" Soundwave asked. As a small smile grew behind his visor. Megatron nodded warmly smiling in return. Knowing he just gave full permission for Soundwave to go all out, and be a youngling. "Now that, that is off our chests" Megatron breathed, getting up. approaching the youngling on the berth. "Get some rest" Megatron scolded, standing over the youngling on the berth.

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