Chapter 4: Everybody gets a turn

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"Wow, I can't beleive he did that, I mean it's funny to me, but wow" Megatron snickered to his air commander.

"He showed you the footage I suppose?" Starscream said in a low tone, rolling his optics.

"Oh yes, it was funny, the way you screamed like a little femme!" Megatron cackled making Starscream vibrate with anger.

"Lord Megatron, do ever consider Soundwave may be loosing it?" Starscream hissed stopping the warlords laughter.

"Why the hell would you say that Starscream?" Megatron raised an optic ridge at the seeker.

"Well I think he is..." Starscream grumbled folding his arms.

"I know you two don't get along very well, but that dosen't mean you have to jump to conclusions" Megatron said catching the seekers anger once more.

"Jump to conclusions, lord Megatron, his behaviour lately has been different!" Starscream whined pulling up footage of Soundwave tripping Knockout off the catwalk, Soundwave whacking his helm against a computer, and scaring the daylights out of Starscream.

"Starscream, maybe you should consider the fact that maybe he grew a sence of humour" Megatron sighed shaking his helm at the seeker trying anyway to rid of the spy.

"Maybe you should consider the fact that maybe there is more behind that mask then just the innocent loyal spy" Starscream mentioned before turning back to his work, as Soundwave entered the bridge.

Megatron mulled over what the seeker last words were for a few brief moments, as Soundwave stopped infront of him and waited for Megatron to command him.

*Come on, say something already, you psychotic old mech...* Soundwave sighed looking at Megatron and waiting for the warlord to speak.

*Ugh I'm going to leave in about five seconds, what is taking him so long?!* Soundwave growled, tilting his helm in wonder, catching the warlords attention finally.

"Oh, uh, keep up the good work Soundwave" Megatron said walking past the very confused spy and seeker.

*What in the hell was that?!* Soundwave said looking at Starscream for an answer.

"Hey don't look at me, I Have no idea what that was, perhaps it was a glitch" Starscream shrugged and whined at the comunications chief.

*Oh primus, does anything besides whining come from you...* Soundwave shook his helm at the grey seeker.

"I would have been alert and ready for you" Stascream started to gloat to Soundwave.

*Why is it that you build up such a big ego, then Megatron comes and scrushes it with his big fat ass?* Soundwave hissed shaking his helm and leaving the bridge.

"Soundwave, how's chief kiss ass today?" Arachnid retorted as Soundwave passed her in the hallways.

*Bug repellant sounds about right* Soundwave thought to himself as he showed no body language towards the femme.

"Rude arent we, not even a hello?" Arachnid teased the spy as he continued past her.

*I'd love to say hello to you with a can of raid, and Texas flyswatter* Soundwave hissed walking faster and further away from the femme.

Soundwave continued his way down the hallyway, and saw Knockout and Megatron walking towards the medic.

"Oh look who it is..." Knockout started as he turned around to see Soundwave approaching.

*Everybody gets a turn today, don't they!?* Soundwave growled continuing towards the red mech.

"Mr. lets trip Knockout..."

*Onto his ass because he deserves it, ya got that right* Soundwave thought to hisself, as he walked over to Knockout and stood over him intimidatingly.

"Ummm... what can I help you with Soundwave?" Knockout laughed nervously as he slightly backed away from the pitch black glare.

*Nothing, just wanted to shut you up* Soundwave snickered, turning his attention to Megatron standing beside the medic.

*Sooooo Megatron, does this mean I get the rest of the day off?* Soundwave asked mentally.

"Soundwave I have new imformation about a new found energon mine, I want you to investigate with Starscream" Megatron didn't hesitate to give the spy orders.

*So is that a no...* Soundwave sighed slumping his shoulders and throwing his helm down.

"Soundwave are you feeling alright?" Megatron asked never seeing that reaction from the mech before.

*I'm feeling jolly, you're making me fly with my most favoritest seeker in the whole universe!* Soundwave sarcastically spoke, throwing his arms up turning and leaving the warlord and medic in confusion.

"Uh Soundwave, are you ready to take investigate this new found mine, it should be just as exciting as decoding relics" Starscream sarcastically remarked as Soundwave waitined for him to walk over.

*Hey that's way more fun, don't tease me!* Soundwave whined folding his arms and staring at the ground.

"Primus, you are to usefull to loose" Starscream sighed shaking his helm and rolling his optics as he walked past the spy, preparing to ground bridge.

*Was that supposed to be a compliment, cuase that's one I can't compute properly...* Soundwave kept his sarcastic tone, as he fired a bridge and left with Starscream.

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