Chapter 9: Seeker testing

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"By the way, you are still a very young youngling, don't act as if you are as old as a full grown mech, that act does not need to be played anymore" Megatron warned, getting an annoyed sigh from Soundwave.

"Yes Lord Megatron, of course..." Soundwave retorted, recieving a glare from his father.

"Oh right, I forgot you were a master of sarcasm..." Megatron groaned rolling his optics, at Soundwave.

"That's right, I figured you were used to it, since you could here what I was saying" Soundwave remarked, as they both turned to walk down the hall.

"Believe me I do my best to ignor your stupid coments, all though your thoughts on Starscream happens to be the best part of your sarcasm" Megatron assured the youngling.

*Pah... that's only cuase, we both don't like him...*

"Yeah proof we are related!" Megatron chuckled, startling Soundwave.

"No sense in speaking in my mind around you... sooooo... I've been online for 10 steller cycles, and you decide to be a father now, why?" Soundwave sighed, shaking his helm.

"One, because It's about time I step up, and two Knockout wouldn't shut up, but he was right to nag me, and to be honest you could use a strong figure to look up to" Megatron snorted gazing at the wall he walked beside.

"...I already do look up to you..." Soundwave mumbled, keeping his gaze to the floor infront of him.

Megatron smiled warmly, before giving a pat on Soundwave's helm, before turning into the bridge, leaving Soundwave to continue down the hallway.

Soundwave stopped, and watched Megatron walk into the bridge, as the door hissed moments after the warlord entered.

Starscream smirked from just down the hallway, a few feet away from Soundwave, watching the moment between the comunications officer, and warlord.

Soundwave then collected all his thoughts and continued his way down the hallway, towards Starscream. *Frag...* Soundwave thought, spotting the seeker leaning against a wall with a smirk.

"Aaaaw, is daddy finally excepting his sparkling?" Starscream teased, as Soundwave was close to passing him.

Soundwave struggled to ignor the crude seeker, Soundwave did his best, and ignored the stupid comments that continued to come from Starscream.

"It's a pitty he just tossed you aside, for busy doctor Knockout, to nurture you" Starscream sneered, as Soundwave passed him.

*That's not true!* Soundwave cried, the last comment finally getting to him, swirled around, backing Starscream into the wall he leaned against.

Megatron sensed Soundwave getting very upset, through thier bond, and headed out back into the hallway, to see Starscream yelling at Soundwave.

"Don't you dare threaten your superior officer, youngling!" Starscream hissed, standing intimidatingly over Soundwave, who cowered slightly.

Soundwave took the threats spat at him from the seeker, and cowered, but also caught Megatron storming towards them, with a very unimpressed look.

"That's right you little runt, you..."

"STARSCREAM, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" Megatron snarled, standing over the two threateningly.

"Lord Megatron!" Starscream gasped, taking a few startled steps back.

"We...I...was just setting Soundwave straight, he started to disrespect his superior and..."

"Oh really, because from what my spark bond is telling me, you were the one upsetting Soundwave!" Megatron growled, making Starscream droop his wings in fear.

*Megatron, you don't have to do this* Soundwave stepped infront of Starscream, waving his servos and shaking his helm at Megatron.

"Fine... but if it happens again, I promise you Starscream, I feed your spark to the insecticons!" Megatron hissed, before turning and leaving to go back to the bridge.

Later Starscream was busy ranting rumours around the ship to the eradicons. "Lord Megatron has excepted Soundwave back into his life, as his youngling" Starscream sighed looking out the window of the Nemesis.

"Seems like daddy is giving Soundwave special treatment" Starscream sneered pacing around the bridges catwalk.

"Special tretment, he dosen't already?" an eradicon scoffed, over his shoulder to another eradicon next to him.

"Starscream was probably first to test that therory of his" The other eradicon replied, with a chuckle.

"Don't laugh, you just wait until it happens to you!" Starscream warned the two snickering eradicons.

In the med bay where Knockout was busy cleaning his labortory.

"Aw Soundwave, he was just being protective, it's what fathers do" Knockout cooed as he organized a bunch of data pads into a file.

"Yeah being protective seems more like special treatment, to the others" Soundwave scoffed folding his arms, and observing Knockout work.

"It might, but I used to protect you like that when you were really little, that wasnt special treatment" Knockout told Soundwave, as he searched for a missing data pad.

"But I was a sparkling then, I needed protection" Soundwave sighed, handing the missing data pad to Knockout.

"Thank you, and you are still young, therefore you still need protection, and care, just like the Autobots, protect and care for that cousin of yours" Knockout replied, reading the data pd while walking over to the other side of the med bay.

"Sure... all I know is that Starscream, is spreading his rumours about me, and Megatron trying to rebuild our relationship, and how Megatron's going to baby me and give me special treatment, and of course they will all start teasing me as usual!" Soundwave complained throwing his arms up.

"Soundwave you are the youngest of the army, of course you are going to be teased, I tease you!" Knockout chuckled, writing in the data pad he held.

"I know, but all I have to do to get you to shut up, is scratch your finish, the others never shut up no matter what I do" Soundwave snorted.

"That's when you let Megatron step in, and put an end to it. Soundwave you are just going to have to learn to except the fatherly ways, of our liege and your father" Knockout sighed, looking up at Soundwave, from his data pad.

Soundwave sighed lowering his helm, why was Knockout always prooving good points out, too him.

"It's going to be challenge for you to adapt Soundwave, but you need to except your fathers ways of parenting you, before you can succeed in a healthy restored father son relationship" Knockout gave Soundwave addvice, hoping the youngling would calm down and stop being so worried and tense about the situation he's come into

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