Chapter 12: Eventful night

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Meanwhile while Soundwave was recharging, Megatron was back in Knockout's med bay, chatting the doctor up.

"I see you are enjoying your time with Soundwave" Knockout smiled, to the happy almost overjoyed warlord.

"Yes, at first it was boring and we were getting irritated with eachother, but I geuss we broke that barrier" Megatron scoffed, shrugging his huge shoulders.

"Breaking the barrier, and finally unleashing that youngling, inside our communications officer" Knockout mentioned, giving his master a smirk.

"Whatever do you mean, Knockout?" Megatron hissed his question, at the doctor.

"I'm just saying, Soundwave never really had the chance to be a kid, he was doing work when he was a sparkling, for primus sake, his older cousin is a full out youngling, and he's fought his entire life" Knockout snorted, tossing a few of his tools across his med bay.

Megatron quickly pushed off the berth he was leaning against. "And that's my fault?" Megatron growled, raising an optic ridge.

"No, and it's not my fault either, it's yours and the femmes, for having a sparkling during the busiest time of your lives" Knockout shrugged, bravely speaking, with a sarcastic tone to his lord.

"Optimus had a sparkling before I did, and I'm the bad mech for it!?" Megatron snapped, waving his servo with his cannon at the maroon doctor.

"No my liege, I... I... I'm just simply saying, Soundwave didn't have time to learn to be a youngling, now he is, I'm saying it's mighty of you to allow you're spy to be a youngling, my liege!" Knockout nervously laughed, quickly correcting his approach.

"I understand, Soundwave was intensely disciplined, as a sparkling, rather than played with, and spoiled by others in the army" Megatron sighed, relaxing his systems, and leaning back against the berth.

"Well you could change that for him, you saw how happy he was being a youngling" Knockout trailed off, finally turning his attention away from his search, and towards his master.

Megatron shot the medic an annoyed gaze, tired of the medics geussing games. "What are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting you let him explore that youngling, yet the youngling take over" Knockout animatedly suggested.

"That's asking alot, that will most definitely take a toll, in his work effort" Megatron shook his helm, in disapproval.

"Lord Megatron, if it does just remind him of his job, simple enough" Knockout said waving a digit, as he read a data pad, in his servo.

"No, Soundwave runs the entire ship, if he slacked off, in the slightest way, it could effect the whole operation, I'm already giving him a break" Megatron hissed, refusing the suggestions given from the doctor.

"I'm sure whatever you choose, will be effective my liege" Knockout sighed, giving up, not wanting to argue with the leader.

While the warlord and medic continued to talk, little did they know, that Soundwave was wide awake, and listening to the audio surveillance, hearing the words the leader spat, and the suggestions the medic spoke.

Soundwave couldn't help but feel stupid for acting childish, even though, it felt nice to have some fun, Soundwave was getting confused, his father wanted him to act like a youngling with him, and then the next minute he didn't, Soundwave sighed, he would just have to test the waters and see when the appropriate time to be a youngling was, and when it wasnt.

A few hours passed, and Soundwave couldn't get himself to back into recharge, tossed and turned, finally, Soundwave decided well he was awake, may as well go check on systems and calibrations of the ship, that's a good source of entertainment.

The glowing, faceless youngling, entered the silent empty bridge, and went straight to the main computer, of course right away he found, miss calculations, and missed maintenance warnings, the more he went through the systems, the more warnings surfed across the screens, before crashing dramatically, even sparking and smoking, eventually shutting everything down, even the engines, putting the ship into a glide.

Soundwave gasped, and quickly deployed his tentacles to the monitors, trying to reboot the systems, while throwing himself under the central computer, to see what went wrong, he knew it was a matter of minutes, before the colossal warship went into a freefall.

*Scrap scrap scrap!* Soundwave cursed finding the problem, he found about six wires completely fried to charcoal, He would have to run to the supply room in Knockout's med bay, to find replacements.

Soundwave quickly pushed himself out from underneath the computers, jumping up to his peds and going into a full sprint out of the bridge, as he ran out the door, Soundwave lost his footing and slid into the wall, he quickly jumped up and continued to ran down the halls, to the med bay.

*No no no!* Soundwave panicked, as he felt the ship slowing the glide rapidly, He charged into the med bay, straight to the supply room.

Soundwave tossed and threw various tools and and objects across the, recently, neatly, cleaned med bay. *Yes!* as Soundwave found the required wires he charged back out of the room, as he did, many alarms started to sound, along with flashing red lights.

As he got half way down towards the bridge, the ship all of a sudden dropped, Soundwave went flying against the ceiling, and stayed there for quite a few moments, struggling against the forces, eventually the ship slowly eased into a nose dive, causing Soundwave to drop to the floor, and start sliding down the hallway floors uncontrollably.

Megatron was furious, waking up to be violently thrown against his ceiling, then slamed down onto the floor, he stumbled to his door, trying to hold his balance, he noticed all the power in the ship was off, his door wouldn't even open.

Megatron growled, and violently ripped open his door, to see Soundwave sliding down the hallway uncontrollably. "Soundwave!?" Megatron snarled, following the youngling with his optics and helm.

*Can't talk right now, repairs critical!* Soundwave called back, as he continued to slide.

As Soundwave came close to the door to the bridge he slid towards it, luckily the doors shut down while they were open, while he slid into the bridge Soundwave had to much speed, causing him to fly off the catwalk, to the levels below, crashing into the walls.

Soundwave shook off the pain and climbed against the gravity, back to the central computer, forcefully pulling himself under, he effortlessly rewired the computer, the power flashed back on, the screens of the computers, went from pitch black, to variouse colours, with systems rebooting, back to normale.

As that was finished, Soundwave quickly took control of the ship, taking the ship out of the harsh nose dive, inches away from a jagged mountain, taking the ship back into the stratosphere.

"What in the pits is going on Soundwave!?" Megatron roared, slaming his servo into the door frame.

Exhausted Soundwave exhaled and explained. "I was... someone failed to check the maintenance, and it blew multiple... main fuses..." Soundwave tiredly explained gesturing to the monitors.

"Well then I'll have to give a good talking to the soldiers, and beat it into Starscream's idiotic processor!" Megatron nodded, placing his servos on his hip, as he finished his sentence, the soldiers arrived in the bridge along with Starscream, ready to start the day.

"Starscream, I hope you all enjoyed the flight, cuase you're all getting second flight, regardless of weather flyer or automobile!" Megatron hissed threateningly walking towards the entering group.

Soundwave to exhausted watch the beatings, Soundwave trudged his way back to his headquarters, falling into his berth and passing out, with in seconds of impact.

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