Chapter 24: Prime view optics

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"What, what's wrong?" Bumblebee bleeped, noticing Soundwave's frown. "Nothing..." Soundwave waved Bumblebee off, with a small smile. "What's wrong?" Bumblebee questioned again. Soundwave sighed. "Why are we fighting?" Soundwave asked. Bumblebee tilted his helm. "What the war?" Soundwave nodded. "Yeah, why waste time fighting when we could be rebuilding" Soundwave continued. "Well we are fighting so Megatron dosen't take over the universe, and for new resources, for rebuilding" "Trying to find a balance in this war is difficult" Bumblebee sighed. Just as Optimus entered the silo. "Bumblebee, you've been gone for hours now" Optimus greeted his youngling. "We were starting to get worried" Optimus smiled."I was just playing with Soundwave" The bubbly scout whirred. "I bet if it were up to you two, you'd play all day" Optimus playfully rubbed Bumblebee's helm. Bumblebee giggled, playfully pushing Optimus's servo away. Soundwave watched and smiled smally. Admiring the Prime and scouts relationship.

"Soundwave..." Optimus paused to get a good look at his nephew. "You're visor... it's off?" Optimus was greatly astonished. "No!" Soundwave quickly, tried to cover his face with his slender digits. "Soundwave" Optimus cooed. "I can still see you" Optimus smiled. "Optimus, his optics are sooo awesome!" Bumblebee excitedly bleeped. "I would love too see, If someone would move his servos" Optimus cooed again. Soundwave shook his helm. Trying to hide a smile from his cooing uncle. "I see you smiling" Optimus sighed with a smile. "Nope!" Soundwave shook his helm again. Bumblebee smirked, taking Soundwave's tactic, he snuck up behind his distracted cousin. "Waffles!" Bumblebee blurted from behind. Scarring the scrap out Soundwave. Soundwave jumped! He swung his arm giving, Bumblebee a defensive smack. "Ow!" Bumblebee giggled holding his stomach. "Don't do that!" Soundwave hissed, trying to hold back his own laughter.

"Primus look at that..." Optimus couldn't believe what he was seeing. The mixed colours of the primes. The royal blue in the younglings optics, presented the Autobots, blood red represented Megatronus/The Fallen, The Decepticons, Sky Blue represented Primes, and cyan blue, represented Primus himself. "Told you they were awesome!" Bumblebee whistled. "They're more then that" Optimus said. "Soundwave I'm going to call my team here ok" Optimus warned the youngling. Recieving a frantic head shake. "Please no!" Soundwave begged. "Youngling it is important, I do so" Optimus told the panicked Soundwave. "The team won't hurt you Soundwave, we promise" Bumblebee tried to reassure his cousin. Soundwave shook his helm no. Picking his visor back up. He quickly placed it back on, hearing the seal locks hiss.

It only took moments for a groundbridge to appear. Bringing four Autobots into the silo. "What is it Optimus, did faceless here call for Megatron!?" Wheeljack asked. Soundwave stood quietly, hiding shyly, behind the Prime and scout. "Wheeljack" Optimus growled, shutting the wrecker up, from further speech. "Why are we here to visit the cons surveillance chief?" Arcee questioned, standing with her arms crossed. "We have discovered something about Soundwave and need your help and any opinions" Optimus answered, moving Soundwave infront of him. Soundwave looked up at Optimus with his visor. "Go on" Optimus encouraged. Soundwave got a good look at the team. All of them had the same unwelcoming grumpy look. Soundwave put all his shyness away. He slowly took off his mask. "He does have a face!" Gasps echoed. "Is this it?" Bulkhead asked amazed, but still uninterested. Soundwave had his optics shut tightly, letting no one see them. "Soundwave open your optics please" Optimus cooed.

Soundwave sighed and obeyed. Shyly opening his optics, they lit up. More astonished gasps came, after he opened his multi coloured optics. "By the Allspark!" Ratchet gasped. "In all my years, I have never seen optics quite like these" Ratchet spoke with great astonishment. "Ratchet you're older then the Allspark, and you've never seen anything like his optics?" Bulkhead asked. "Never, and call me that old again and your next tune up will be even more painfull!" Ratchet threatened. Ratchet stepped closer to Soundwave, hoping to get a better look. Wanting to get a few differen't scans of the younglings optics. Soundwave timidly backed away, ending up backing into his uncle. "He will not harm you youngling" Optimus smiled. "Yeah doctor of doom won't harm you" Bulkhead and Wheeljack snickered. "You two shut up!" Arcee snapped, ready to smack both mechs.

"Very good thank you Soundwave" Ratchet finished his many scans. Reading the data his expresion changed to disbelief. "Optimus, I scaned his optics, and the language of the primes appeared in my scans, take a look" Ratchet said handing the data pad he held to Optimus. Bumblebee and Soundwave looked at eachother with confusion. While the rest of the team gazed at eachother in awe. "Counterpart to Primus and Unicron?" Optimus read aloud. Soundwave felt out of place and incredibly nervouse, exposing his face like this to Autobots. "He positively is, all the evidence is pionted directly at him" Ratchet spoke with the prime. "It's here in the script taken from the covenant of Primus" Ratchet pointed.

Arcee was starting to get impatient with Ratchet's aloud thinking. "Mind telling us what the hell you are talking about?" Arcee snapped. Interupting the medic and Prime's pondering. "Soundwave is a counterpart of Primus and Unicron" Ratchet answered the snappy femme. "Primus bieng the incarnation of creation, Unicron bieng destruction, the chaos bringer" Ratchet continued. "It is said here, that the creation of balance would be brought into the universe eons after the battle between Primus and Unicron" The entire team was all audios. "Created during a new war, the creation of balance, this multi coloured opticed being, would be the perfect loyal servant to of whom he would serve" The medic continued to read. "This silent creation's might and power, is locked away behind it's very own shy spark" Ratchet finished. "Timid because of it's creator, this shy silent being when guided out of it's shy imprisonment" "Shall end the war brought upon the great Cybertonian race" Optimus translated last of the script.

"Soundwave is the creation of balance?" Wheeljack questioned. "That is correct" Optimus nodded. "So are we taking him hostage, and waking him the frag up or?" Wheeljack asked, pointing to Soundwave. Soundwave's optics went wide. The deep violet youngling clenched Optimus's large digits, with his own very slender ones. Quickly he hid himself behind his uncles massive arm. "Wheeljack you idiot!" Arcee puched the white wrecker. "Don't scare the poor little guy" Arcee cooed, approaching Soundwave. "Oh he's a poor little thing now?" Wheeljack scoffed. "Hey I have never ragged on him!" Arcee growled. "I just disliked him, he's to good to be on the Decepticons side" Arcee admitted. "He's too loyal and stays on their side" Bulkhead scoffed. "Yeah, and how do we know your scan is talking about creeper here" Wheeljack questioned Ratchet.

"Silent, Shy, loyal, multi coloured optics!?" Ratchet growled, pionting out everything Soundwave's discription matched. "So the kid has colour full optics big deal, it dosen't mean anything" Bulkhead scoffed. "No Bulk they do!" Bumblebee finally spoke. "Blood red stand for the Cons, the royal blue is Autobot, sky blue stands for the Primes, and Cyan blue Primus" Bumblebee pointed to each colour in Soundwave's optics.

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