25. Just friends

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„We really want to know how it is between you and Cara Delevingne. On twitter everyone talks about Dara. Tell us. How it really is?" I looked on Cara. I don't know what to say. Maybe it's over with lies.

In audience was absolutly quiet. I was looking on Cara if she will help me with it. But she didn't do anything.

„Demi? Can you answer this question?" I looked back on Ellen and I took deep breath.

„How I said for so many times. Me and Cara are just close friends. She helped me so much when me and Wilmer broke up but nothing more." I put my fake smile on and then I looked on Cara. I could see tears in her eyes and then she left from audience. Shit.

„Okay. Demi will sing for us some of her songs so wait for it. We'll be back." Ellen said with a smile.

I didn't say anything and left to find Cara. Thanks god I found her in front of building.

„Are you okay?" I asked and put my arm on her shoulder. When she turned around my heart stopped beating. Her eyes were red and full of tears. She looks so broken and that's just because of me.

„I'm sorry Cara. I didn't know what to do."

„I through you will say the truth but I was wrong." She said without looking at me.

„I wanted but-" She interruped me so I couldn't finish my sentence.

„But what Demi?! I don't want to hide it anymore and you know why? Because I love you and I don't care what people will think about that. I wanna let whole world know that you're mine. I thought you feel that in same way but now I see you don't."

„I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you."

„But you did Demi. I think Wilmer is right."

„With what?"

„Maybe you don't love me like I thought." I didn't say anything for a while. I know I feel something for her. But I'm not ready to come out with this.

„Why did you say that we're just friends? Why?!" She couldn't stop crying.

„Maybe because I'm not sure about you and me. Listen I'm not ready for coming out. I'm not even sure if I am lesbian or bi or something like this." I finally spoke.

„What are you talking about?"

„I have to think about who I am. I'm going back to LA in the morning. I think we shouldn't see each other for some time. I'm sorry Cara." I said and looked on the ground.

„Are you breaking up with me?"

„Demi. We're staring in while. Let's go." Ellen shouted from the door.

„I'm sorry Cara." I felt tears falling from my face. I turned around from her and went into door.

„Are you okay?" Ellen asked me when she looked at me.

„I'm fine."

„We're back and here's performence of our guest. Demi Lovato!" Ellen said and I started to sing.

I sang Nightingale. It's my favourite song of that album. I was looking into audience if Cara's there but she wasn't.

Hey everybody :) Next part is here. I hope you like it ;) Don't worry everything can happen in this story so read it till the end if you want to know how this will end. :) Thank you for your votes and comments :) 

Who's that girl? (Demi Lovato & Cara Delevingne)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora