24. Ellen's show

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„Okay so if you won't do this you will meet my dark side. I will fight about her. Three days Cara."

„Cara are you okay?"

„Demi I'm so sorry. I didn't want to say it. I'm so stupid."

„No babe you're not stupid. You know what? Maybe it's good that he knows now he can let us be."

„I don't think so."

„What did he tell you?"

„He will fight about you. He won't give up so easy."

„I will take a walk for a while. I'll be back in minute." I said and walked out of her room. She stopped me before the door.

„Cara please. I love you not him."

„Don't worry about me." Then I left.

I really don't know what to do. I won't break up with her but I'm scared what if he will do something to her. I was walking throught Miami's streets at night and thought.

When was really late I decided to go back. I arrived and Demi was already sleeping. I went to the bathroom and had a shower. Then I went to bed. But I still couldn't sleep. I looked at sleeping Demi. I can't do this to her. I don't want to lose her no metter what. I love her more than my life. I put my arm around her and fell asleep.

When I woke up Demi was sleeping next to me

„Good morning love." I heard her sleepy voice.

„Good morning." I said and gave her a kiss. I love waking up next to her.

„What will you do today?" I continued with smile on my face.

„Ellen invented me to her show so that's my planes for today. What about you?"

„I have nothing to do today so if you want I can go with you."

„That would be great." We kissed again and I went into bathroom and mde my morning routine.

When we were ready we could go to the show.

„Demi I'm glad you came." I heard Ellen's voice behind me.

„Thank for having me here."

„No promblem. Oh hi Cara I didn't see you."

„Hey." I said simply.

„You're Demi's escort?"

„Yeah I am."

„I have to call somebody. Good luck Dems." I smiled at her and then left.

„Hi Cara how are you?"

„Hey Kedall. I'm actually not good and I need your help."

„Sure, you know I'm here for you."

Then I told her everything about me and Wilmer.

„Wow did he really do this?"

„Yes and I don't know what to do."

„You won't break with her right?"

„No I won't but I'm scared what will he do you know?"

„Don't worry everything will be okay."

Demi's POV:

„Hello I'm Ellen Degeneres and our today's guest is great singer with really strong voice. Demi Lovato everybody!" We hugged and the I sat on chair next to Ellen.

„So Demi how are you? You look so good."

„Yeah I'm really good. I had some weeks off but now I'm back and I'm working on my next album."

„That's amazing. Congratulation to you." I smiled and looked into crowd and my met the most beautiful eyes in the world. Cara's eyes. She looked at me and smiled. So I did the same. Interview was good untill she asked on this question.

„We really want to know how i tis between you and Cara Delevingne. On twitter everyone talks about Dara. Tell us. How it really is?" I looked on Cara. I don't know what to say. Maybe it's over with lies.

Hey everybody :) Next part is here and I hope you like this :) Let me know in comments how do you like it ;) Next part tommorow ;) Thank you for you votes and comments it mean a lot to me 

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