Chapter 25

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Julieanna listened very closely. She knew this was a dream but it felt so real. "What's the curse? What does it have to do with me?" she asked.

"Curse is you and Skyler. For you two to be mates. He is a fallen and you're an angel. He fell before you two found each other..." The Dream Lord said answering her question but leaving room for many more to follow.

She was still so curious as to what exactly the curse was.. She tried to think of something that would happen. Skyler needed to stay with her. Without each other they would both end up dead.

"It has never been know for a fallen and an angle to become soulmates as you two have. He hasn't tried to ever seek his mate because it was believed that he'd never have one. Sometimes there are some angels and other creatures that are alone in the world due to their status. It's sad really. But you two found each other and learned to love one another even though you two didn't actually know about being mates. It's interesting really. But there is something you should be told." the dream lord stood in silence for a moment to let Julieanna catch up. This was alot for her. He knew. Even though he shouldn't be so feeling and curdious to others.

"Okay wait Skyler and I are cursed all because we are opposites." He shook his head. "That's absurd. Stupid. Why is it so hard to believe that someone who made a mistake can't change and realize that they did something wrong?"

"Because you are born good and must always stay pure but sometimes there are some that were given a chance to be good and abused it. Fallen. They are the ones that were given a chance. No fallen has ever become a risen." he explained to her.

Julieanna was furious as to why these "rules" were so unthoughtful to what could be possible. It's as if no one had faith in others. No one was perfect not even angels were perfect.

"Listen young angel... The curse is that you two can never be away from one another. Or... You both will die. You must keep him with you. But there's a catch." he continued. "you can't tell him about me or about the curse. None of this.

"So If I cannot get him to stay then he'll leave and he'll die anyways?" julieanna asked.

He nodded. "And you'll die as well."

"Yeah I got that part." she said. "But what'll happen to both of us?"

"Well, he'll be stuck in a deeper part of Hell that'll keep him from leaving. Basically he'll be stuck on a room of he'll. No contact with anyone or anything. It'll be whatever he fears most. And you.... Don't count on heaven."

She flinched. Not because of what her fate would become to but because of what would happen to skyler. "What if we are together and one of us dies?"

"Then you will either live alone without him/her or you will both die."it's mainly a choice to be given." he said back to her.

Her face dropped and she felt like she could cry. This was so much information for her to obsorb and she just wanted to curl up with skyler in heaven for the rest of enternity.

What is there to do now? How is she going to keep them together without telling skyler any of this? These plans that were already written out for us seemed to just start to suck from her even more than before.

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